out for a week(sick)

676 9 15

So if course I was sick for the whole week but a mix of ash and chloe took good care of me this is how that went⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

Ash:ok goh I'm gonna run you a hot bubble bath while chloe gives you your medicine
Chloe:yea and this time you NOT going to spit it out the moment I look away ok
Chloe:remember this is the last day your going to be sick plus your been like this all week I'm sure you can take one more pill

I reluctantly took the pill and soon after ash was done with my bath I found it really not to blush uncontrollably when ash was pampering me seeing as he was me crush now lover

Goh:wow this is incredible

Chloe:I hope he enjoys the bath
Ash:yea I'm going to make him a hot tea
Chloe:h...hey ash have you realized anything off about goh?
Chloe:okk thanks

Whilest was bathing I couldn't stop thinking of ash he was just so damn cute back then ha well he still is in fact hes sitting right across from me asleep

Goh:ok I'm doneeee!
Ash:come down here iv got you hot tea
Chloe:and marshmallows!

I pretty much teleportd to the kitchen and that tea was perfect even more so because I know ash had made it I still love his famous tea he gives me a cup every day before work🤣

Chloe:ok i think it's time you got some sleep mr
Ash:yea let's get you to bed
Goh:alright i guess

I then proceeded to sleep for 13 hours

oh how much i love you Satoshi(satogou)Where stories live. Discover now