we return

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So we woke up at our shabby little camp I packed it up because ash decided he would not be getting up so I made him get up⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

Goh:ok were doing this the hard way pikachu use Thunderbolt on ash

Ash was fried it was hilarious but I did feel a bit sorry

Ash:ok ok don't do that again I'll get up
Goh:yea you better oh our train leaves In like 25min so let's get going!

We safety got on the train and in no time at all we were at the front of the lab

Ash:were back!
Chloe:finally how was it?
Goh:ok I guess
Ash:just ok come on!
Goh:I mean "great"
Ash:that's more like it
Ash:well were going to our room
Chloe:lock the door!
Goh:can do!

We re-entered our room it was clean as a can be I just looked over at ash and kissed him when we broke the kiss I said

Goh:I'm gonna go make us some food

I went down stairs and began to cook then chloe came and pretty much interrogated me

Chloe:so I never saw you as the romantic type makeing food for you lover
Goh:me nether to be honest
Chloe:so why him
Chloe:why did you pick ash of all People even that tokio guy and you pick ash?
Goh:well for 1 hes adorable 2 hes so caring and understanding and 3 hes a great kisser!
Chloe:that last one I didn't need to know thanks...but great  you finely found someone
Goh:well I better get this food to ash hey

oh how much i love you Satoshi(satogou)Where stories live. Discover now