ill have him one day

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We had just woke up and we were both flustered at the fact we were in the same bed and he was hugging me so we got dressed and began our day ash was still a little down from yesterday⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

Goh:h...hey ash I need to use the bathroom I'll be back in a moment

I scrambled to the bathroom and started to have gay panic I was FREAKING OUT

Goh:frick frick frickkkk!!!!
Goh:I really slept with my crush oh Arceus!
Goh:I need to tell someone about my feelings I....i have just the person....uh I'm gonna regret this

I left the bathroom and headed down with ash

Ash:are you ok now?
Goh:yes I'm fine just felt a bit sick
Ash:ok then!
Goh:hey chloe can I talk to you a moment in private...

I didn't believe I was about to tell chloe about this but we had been friends for 10 years she could and DID keep a secret

Goh:well I need to tell you something about ash
Chloe:you have a crush on him dont you! you know that
Chloe:well let me give you a list

1. You always blush around him
2. You try your hardest to make sure hes always happy and safe
3. You literally slept with him last night

Goh:what how did you know about that
Chloe:you weren't exactly quite in the bathroom room now I can keep a secret
Goh:thank you and one day he will be mine

oh how much i love you Satoshi(satogou)Where stories live. Discover now