to saffron and beyond

755 11 14

So we has just finished breakfast and me and ash were getting changed I was in the bathroom him in our room when we finished we headed down stairs for our mission

Ash:so professor whats our task!
Goh:yea what is
Professor cerise:Well I need samples of the sludge from a muk and a grimer I'll give you these for your protection you can go the the sewers of saffron city iv got your tickets
Goh:ok thanks professor

And so me and my now lover ash set out on what was admitted a pretty disgusting task

Ash:wow were here
Goh:remember you have been here before you know
Ash:oh yea well it's still exciting
Goh:of course its is....
Goh:well looking at this mat the sewer entrance is this way

To this day I still dont understand why he got so excited over going to a sewer

Goh:ok if we follow the sludge trails we should find a muk soon
Ash:look over there
Goh:A GRIMER....but its being protected by that muk
Ash:well attest there both here

What happened next I dont remember very well because I was poisoned my the muk and I woke up in a hospital bed with ash by my side

Ash:thank goodness your okay
Goh:what happened.....did you get the samples
Ash:ofcourse I did now let's get you home...

We did get home but I was out for the week

oh how much i love you Satoshi(satogou)Where stories live. Discover now