a dull room and a loving boyfriend

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My parents had simply left after the kiss they went back down stairs to watch tv or something⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

Goh:I guess we should get in bed now
Ash:I guess so

We got in my bed the room was mostly black I could just barely see ash he was snuggling close to me and had his head on my chest we were talking

Goh:I was thinking about what you said earlier about my room being dull and empty well I think that's because I dont have much to display I guess
Ash:you haven't picked up any interesting things through out you life?
Goh:except from you not really
Ash:uh...well I dont really think I'm much to display either I'm not very interesting
Goh:your plenty interesting and you perfect in every way
Ash:what ways?
Goh:were do I began well your kind loving clingy and well adorable and I kinda admire you to be honest
Ash:you admire me?why
Goh:well I'd never left kanto before I met you I stayed in vermilion city most of my life but you..you traveled every region...I never made friends except chloe but you made countless friends some are even gym leaders! You are every thing I want to be and I'm so glad I have you in my life let alone my bed!your just perfect the best person ever!
Ash:I..i dont know what to say that was..beautiful
Goh:I think we should get some sleep
Ash:yea me too

We fell asleep in the embrace of one another

oh how much i love you Satoshi(satogou)Where stories live. Discover now