the aftermath

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It had been multiple days the funeral had come and gone and things had started to settle down a bit⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

Goh:ash ASH! GET UP ITS 11AM
Ash:11am! I over slept again
Goh:yea you did now get changed
Ash:then get out!
Goh:its fine you my boyfriend it's ok
Ash:NO get out you little creep
Goh:fine arceus!

After what felt like a eternity ash finally got out he was so handsome I almost died

Goh:wow your hansom today
Ash:am I not hansom every day?
Goh:I guess you are just particularly handsome today can I have a kiss?
Ash:not right now
Ash;because I said so

We went down stairs and chloe brought us aside for a moment

Chloe:you two I need to talk for a second
Goh:what's up?
Chloe:well I...i...I think I'm a lesbian
Ash:really well that great
Goh:you relationship nooo really?
Chloe:I said the same for you too goh and look at how that turned out!
Ash:well what makes you think you lesbian?
Chloe:well these this girl in my class her name is Dawn...

oh how much i love you Satoshi(satogou)Where stories live. Discover now