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REN, DARIOS(?), MIDNA, AZURA, TINA-CHAN, TEXAS ROBIN, and DARK PIT all make a mad dash out of the wing entrances on the stage, leaving AKECHI's body, SCOTT THE WOZ, and the SITH HAREM behind. TINA-CHAN quickly uses the Force to lock the door behind them.

MIDNA: Come on, let's get out of here!

REN: (at a loss for words) But what about the Sith Harem? A-And Scott, and Akechi?

AZURA: (trying her best to be calm) Ren, we cannot jeopardize our lives for the needs of a few over the many!

DARIOS(?): I- (shakes his head) No, we agree. We need to flee before they have everyone's heads on a-

Screams of agony can be heard from the auditorium behind them. They sound like they're from the SITH HAREM. TINA-CHAN holds her hand over her heart and begins tearing up.


REN: (looking apologetically towards her) ...

TEXAS ROBIN: We got no business wanderin' 'round these parts. Let's make like a rattle and snake our way out of here.

MIDNA: Even in times of crisis, you're not going to give that up, huh?

TEXAS ROBIN: (in a normal voice) Man, shut the fuck up.

The group hurry along the halls as the sound of the approaching enemy grows louder and louder. Their cacophonous screams echo off the walls and bounce directly into the near-defenseless group's ears.

The corridors seem endless, but they finally make it to a set of two doors. Through the windows, they can see the evening sky. The haunting noises of the advancing opposition seem to fade away with the gust of hope given to our heroes.

DARK PIT: Woak...

DARIOS(?): Alright, let's go!

DARIOS(?), alongside REN, HARU, AZURA, AND MIDNA make their way to the exit. Then the doors immediately behind them close and lock. They all turn to see TINA-CHAN retracting her hands. REN rushes over to the now-locked door in front of them.

REN: (anxiously) What are you doing?!

TEXAS ROBIN: Why aren't y'all leavin'?

REN: Why aren't y'all with us!?

As if to emphasize the point, the others head towards the now-barricaded entrance.

TINA-CHAN: (cat ears lowering) ...Ren-Ren, we've already decided to go through with this just in case the plan failed. This isn't to hurt you.

TEXAS ROBIN: (somberly) Y'all are part of a much bigger picture than the three of us could ever be. Yer on that prophecy; we ain't.

HARU: Neither am I, though.

TEXAS ROBIN: Well, none of us are ridin' the rodeo of love with Ren except you, Haru. The rest of us have a different path set out for us, destined or otherwise.

TINA-CHAN: It was fun being with you all. Weird, definitely, but fun. If I make it out of here alive, I'm definitely going harem hunting around here~

MIDNA: Wow, you've got issues. Don't tell me you were the one who came up with the plan?

DARK PIT: (shakes his head) Mine.

REN: (looks at him in shock) Dark Pit?

TINA-CHAN: He was the most dedicated to your cause out of the three of us, for sure. Pittoo here wanted to give back and make sure that you guys save the world. His words, not mine. Nya.

TEXAS ROBIN: (grimly) Tina-chan, we need to wrap this up. They're'a comin'.

Sure enough, the trampling of the opposing army is growing louder and louder.

TINA-CHAN: (pulls out a badass magenta lightsaber) Harem, watch over me...

TEXAS ROBIN: (whips out his pistols) Sharpshootin' in the corn field's nothin' compared to this.

DARK PIT: (summons a bow) im darker than nor, birch.

The three face the heroes one last time.

TINA-CHAN: May the force be with you, nya.

TEXAS ROBIN: Don't forget us, ya hear?

DARK PIT: (perfectly) Thanks for everything.

They all smile mournfully and wave before turning back around. REN in particular watches with tears overwhelming his eyes. He steps towards the door, only to feel an iron grip on his shoulder. It's DARIOS(?).

DARIOS(?): (firmly) We need to go. Now.

REN: But-!

REN gets dragged by the hand by DARIOS(?) as the group rushes out the final door and into the outside. Terrified, REN quickly turns his head back to see a horde of shadows near the windows of the barricaded doors. The heroes rush far and fast out of adrenaline alone.

Then they hear more screams of agony. They're gone.

REN: (freezes solid) ...

HARU: (frantically) REN! COME ON!

REN: (in disbelief) ...they're-

Suddenly, a bright light flashes above them. A huge airship hovers above them, its hatch opening up. Sets of rope ladders drop down towards the group.

???: COME WITH US IF YOU WANT TO LIVE. (A beat) Or don't. Personally, I don't care.

DARIOS(?): What th-

He begins to stumble before nearly collapsing onto the ground. MORTY flings out of DARIOS' body, gripping his head in agony. MIDNA, AZURA, and REN begin to hold theirs as well, thanks to the sharp pains echoing in and between their minds.

MIDNA: Nngh! We have to climb those!?

AZURA: It's the only way we can safely leave and meet with the newcomer!

MORTY: L-Let's go, then! Quickly!

The sound of the army can now be heard from where they are, which is impressive considering that they were all underneath an airship. Seeing no other option, the group all begin climbing the ladders. REN and DARIOS watch them climb and then look at each other.

DARIOS: Ready?

REN: No, but I have to be.

DARIOS shoots him a sympathetic smile and then nods. The two begin making their way up their respective ladders as the others begin to reach the inside of the ship itself.

DARIOS: (to REN) We're going to make it! Just a few more steps!

Suddenly, the front of REN's white shirt decided to have a bit of a dark, red accent to it. DARIOS watches in horror as an arrow pierces through his adopted child. REN's eyes widen as he holds his position on the ladder for a moment, only to slump downwards.

He begins to sink.


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