True Story

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An unknown figure in a T-pose position slowly lowers itself down to the dank, dark cavern below it. The area is calm and quiet, save for a lively female dancer in a spoon-like costume, awaiting the return of the figure.

DANCER: Taking a break, my Lord?

FIGURE: (scoffing) I've got a whole system to run down. I just happen to get caught up with these... side quests, so to speak.

He struts across the cavern floor towards the DANCER.

FIGURE: Make sure she stays asleep until I get back, capiche?

DANCER: Of course, my Lord.

FIGURE: Thank you. This thing's been working out better than I thought.

He lets out a low chuckle as he leaves the cavern. The DANCER is so overcome with joy that she breaks out into a little jig for nobody but herself.


AKECHI stirs in his unconscious state and moves his arm, only for it to suddenly stop. Sensing that something's off, he opens his eyes and is greeted by realization that he is chained up to a bed a la Stephen King's Misery: each wrist and ankle is tied to ropes tightly attached to each pole on the bed, leaving the man completely helpless and alone in what appears to be a spare bedroom. He cries out in shock.


After a few seconds, SCOTT THE WOZ and Y/N both enter the room, seemingly from out in the hallway.

Y/N: It's just a safety precaution, Akechi. Sorry.

SCOTT: I'm not.

AKECHI shoots them a tired and confused look.

Y/N: (to AKECHI) Look, we just have a few questions for you. That's all.

AKECHI: If it really were all, you could've just sat me down for it.


You put your hand on your husband's shoulder, calming him down instantly.

SCOTT: And what's worse is that, if you didn't do that, we'd probably be better off than we are now.


Y/N: Why did you do it, Akechi? What happened?

AKECHI sighs and looks directly at you.

AKECHI: I doubt you're going to believe me if I say it.

Y/N: I can tell if you're honest. Try me.

AKECHI: (sighs again) Alright, I'm going to be entirely honest with you: I think I was possessed.

A silence falls between the trio. Y/N studies the conclusive pain in AKECHI's eyes, tone, and body language, the latter in spite of his current condition.

Y/N: do you figure that?

AKECHI: Well, I tend to be blunt about how I feel. That's been the case since I started living with Ren. But I hold my tongue from time to time and try to consider how others feel. When I met Darios and Morty... it was like whatever filter I had vanished. I felt myself becoming angrier and angrier to the point where it felt artificial, but it consumed me. (bows his head) It's true that I've intentionally killed people in the past, including some close to Ren. But I'd never want to hurt him, never mind like how I wanted to for so long. It was like the old me was breaking out into his own separate entity while still occupying my body.

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