Miku Miku (Ooh Wii U)

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N. GIN frantically makes his way across the dark hallways of the castle, zipping past the visibly marked accessible bathroom. Instead he ran like his life depended on it until he reached a locked door- his own. He reaches frantically into his coat pocket, pulls out a key, and unlocks the door. N. GIN walks in, closes the door behind him, and locks it.

N. GIN: (sighs) Let's hope this works.

He strolls across his lab/bedroom hybrid toward his giant set of computers. The screens flickered hazy blue and green images across the darkened room, giving an ominous aura. N. GIN leans over and moves his hand towards one of his hard drives, shuffling his arm until he finds what he's looking for. Once he grabs it, he pulls it out to reveal a McDonald's bag. N. GIN looks around nervously to make sure that he's alone.

N. GIN: (to the bag) I know I'm going back on everything I fixed. I really shouldn't do this, but...

N. GIN opens the bag and pulls out a few pieces of hamburger. They're small, each roughly the size of a button on a jacket, but the raw power emanating from them is enough to make him shudder.

N. GIN: I'm sorry, Cortex.

He forces the pieces into his mouth and swallows them near-instantly. Suddenly remembering that he should've also chewed in the process, he hacks and coughs as the bits travel down his throat. But it's too late; the deed is done. A trap door opens from out underneath him, which he falls through effortlessly.

The cyborg tumbles down a seemingly endless rabbit hole a la Alice in Wonderland. Sights of past memories fade in and out of his view: being on a talk show, killing a vision of his mother, turning into an arachnid, and, most importantly, HATSUNE MIKU encouraging him to plunge his arms into some deep fryers. N. GIN grimaces, but continues his descent nonetheless.

Eventually, he lands on a giant mattress, where a spotlight shines directly onto his face. N. GIN opens his mouth to say something, but finds that he can't. He gasps in silent horror as he brings his hand up to whatever constituted as his neck.

???: (from the shadows) What're you still doing there? Come on out!

A series of strings shoot down from above N. GIN and wrap tightly around his wrists and ankles, a la a marionette. His body is dragged across the darkness with the spotlight following him until he reaches an all-too familiar soundstage: the one where his inner voices held counsel. Except none of them were to be found. Instead, a certain twin-tailed pop idol sits in a chair. Next to her rests a giant cardboard box.

???: Hey! It's me, Miku! Remember?

N. GIN, unable to move his limbs or say anything, looks at HATSUNE MIKU questioningly. Given that this takes place in his head, though, she can sense his thoughts. Like an empath, only less pretentious and even less bullshitting.

MIKU: Everyone else is asleep right now, so you're kinda stuck with me. And it's why you can't talk. Want me to wake Corey up for you?

N. GIN's body is placed into the opposing chair and the strings vanish. Still mute, he shakes his head.

MIKU: Really? Not Corey? You're seriously set on this?

N. GIN: (shoots MIKU a "yes, really" look)

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