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Back to the airship, we'll leave that whole mess for another scene. Probably the next one.

REN and NEW HAMPSHIRE GIN (yes, that's his government name) both massage their own heads, the shared pain subsiding.

CORTEX: Oh, good, you're done screaming.

NEW HAMPSHIRE: (to CORTEX) How do you think I feel?

REN: (clears throat) Uh, excuse me? Cyborg guy?

NEW HAMPSHIRE turns from CORTEX back to REN, a slight smile on his face.

N. GIN: You can call me N. Gin.

REN: Oh. Uh, N. Gin, how much did they tell you about the prophecy?

N. GIN: Uh...

MIDNA: (to REN) If you mean what role he fills, I couldn't tell you. I don't think anyone of us can. He's basically filled in on everything else, though.

AZURA: We already know where the four of us fit. That just leaves the last two descriptions, but they both make sense for him.

MORTY: He has quite the weaponry on and in him, but your unconsciousness helped bring him to us.

REN looks at N. GIN as the two verses of the prophecy repeat in his head:

Broken everywhere, inside and out
He'll lend you his awesome weaponry, no doubt

Deep in slumber you must fall
To find the one who has it all

He gasps.

REN: Guys... I think-

N. GIN: (looking towards a nearby window) Oh! We're here!

DARIOS: Already?

Several of the others make their way over to the windows to confirm N. GIN's statement. Sure enough, the aircraft is landing next to an oddly-structured yet still ominous castle.

CORTEX: Well, if we had to be sucked into that interdimensional rift, at least it didn't put us far from where you were.

REN takes this moment to think about what to say next. For all he knew, what he saw while he was unconscious was a dream. People get those when they pass out, right? He had a lot on his mind that day, that probably impacted his psyche.

On the other hand, something about it felt too real. REN had never seen anyone like that man before. GLASS "WRYS" JOE said that he'd wait to explain things later. He quite literally fit the description of the last line. But was that real, or just a product of his imagination from how much he was thinking about the whole thing? And would anyone believe him if he said any of this?

He sighs and adjusts his position on the bed.

REN: How am I getting out of bed, by the way?

N. GIN looks back over at REN.

N. GIN: Oh, you should be fine now. Here. (extends his mechanical arm out towards REN) In case you want help.

REN: Thanks.

REN takes N. GIN by the three-pronged hand and gets out of bed. His legs shake a bit as he stands, but his body feels the same otherwise. HARU walks over to them.

HARU: (politely, to N. GIN) I can help escort him if you'd like.

N. GIN: Go ahead. I've got to talk to Cortex, anyway.

N. GIN hobbles his little body across the airship floor as it finishes landing. REN leans up against HARU.

REN: (whispering, to HARU) Thanks. You're easier to lean on if I fall.

HARU: (whispering back) Gee, thanks.

REN playfully pushes some of his weight onto HARU.

REN: Slipping.


They both laugh, grabbing DARIOS' and MORTY's attentions. DARIOS and MORTY hold hands and approach the couple.

DARIOS: Ren? Were you going to say something earlier?

REN: (confused) Huh?

MORTY: When we were discussing N. Gin's role in the prophecy. You looked like you were going to tell us something important.

REN: Oh. Uh... I'll explain when we get inside the castle. I think it'd be easier once we settle down and all that.

DARIOS: (nods) Right. No pressure, though. (looks out nearby window) This is definitely a unique castle set-up. Nothing like one I've been to before.

MORTY: (trying to rizz DARIOS up) Well, maybe we could have one of our own someday.

DARIOS: (blushes) Morty...

CORTEX: (from the other side of the room) I'm locking the doors to this thing in ten seconds, by the way!

The couples panic and scramble out of the airship. REN holds tightly onto HARU, a slight smile breaking out on his face despite the panic from the unnecessarily tense moment. He feels alive.


Meanwhile, in another castle, LIANNA makes her way across its corridors. Two SOLDIERS on patrol stop and salute her.

SOLDIER 1: Praise be!

SOLDIER 2: All hail Queen Lianna!

LIANNA walks past them and yawns. The SOLDIERS, confused, turn around.

SOLDIER 1: Queen Lianna? Are you alright?

LIANNA: (turns around groggily) Mm? Yeah, yeah, just... tired.

SOLDIER 2: Ah, well... rest well, my Lady. We'll stand on guard in the meantime.

LIANNA: Thanks.

LIANNA carries on until she reaches her bedroom door, which she locks behind her before she collapses onto her bed.

LIANNA: I hope he... listens... t...

Before she can finish, the bright blue shine in her eyes quickly dulls out. LIANNA's eyes practically snap shut as she snores away on top of her bed, the last of her strength sapped away from her.

Well, for now, at least.

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