The Velayron Basterds

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132 AC - Dragon Stone

Visenya hates Dragonstone. She hates how her mother so easily married Daemon after the death of her father, how Daemon has tried to replace him, and how Jace and Luke refuse to speak his name.

In Dragonstone Visenya feels truly alone. Sad. Angry.

The only part of her day that she would look forward to was dragon riding and training. Not being kept in the dragonpit has let Morghon grow, bigger than Meleys and probably even Vhagar. The black dragon was faster than Caraxes and Visenya's brother dragons. Morghon was made for war, yet he and Visenya were stuck on Dragonstone. Daemon had taken a great interest in Visenya's sword training, oftentimes he would watch as she would knock the boys down and even defeat the training instructor. After that Daemon insisted that he be the one who handles her training sessions, Visenya was not happy about that but knew that if she wanted to be better then learning from Daemon would be the smart thing to do. But Visenya had drawn a line when Daemon gave her the opportunity of flying lesions.

In the 7 years spent at Dragonstone Visenya had not warmed up to Daemon at all, the childish fear she once had for him gone and replaced with a burning fire of hate and anger. The death of her father was not talked about but as Visenya grew she knew that Daemon and her mother had to have a role in it and that the gods did not favour them that much. Visenya had grown into a true Targaryen. She stood tall at 5'6, her arms and shoulders big from her year's training with her sword, her legs and thighs also muscular from the amount of time she rode on dragon back, the baby fat around her neck had gone away and left a scarp jawline, her white hair was often pulled back away from her face and left unbraided since her fathers passing, a three-headed dragon pin placed with care each morning in the top of her hair, a scar sits on her lips from that fateful night and Visenya had gained a few more scars during the 7 years, the once happy purple eyes of the princess had turned cold and dark, and the only time Visenya could be smiling was when she and Morghon flew through the sky or even she would tell her brother Joffery stories about the knights of the 7 realms. Visenya looks like Daemon physically and she hates that most about herself.

The top of her hands would always be stretched raw, a bad habit she had picked up when she was still young. Rhaenyra had tried to stop the habit when it was still new but she had failed, Visenya hardly speak to Rhaenyra anymore. The daughter that she loves so much had strayed away from her.

Visenya missed the time her family had spent in King's Landing, she missed listing to Helaena talk about her creepy crawly things, spending time with her grandsire, and watching as Ser Harrold trained with the Kingsguard, but most of all she missed him.

For the first 4 years, Visenya and Aemond had sent Ravens to each other and would often sneak away at night and fly their dragons together but when Queen Alicent found out about her son leaving the castle she made the dragon keepers lock Vhagar away at night to prevent the two from seeing each other. But they kept sending letters to one another, that was until Aemond stopped writing back. The one person who promised to be there for Visenya had left her. Visenya sat across from her mother at the end of the dinner table, with Daemon at her mother's side, a tradition Rhaenyra and Daemon had made was that the family would eat dinner together. Visenya sometimes enjoyed these dinners listing to her brothers bicker with each other and the dinners had become easier when Rheana had moved to Dragonstone.

Visenya focuses on her place, more interred in making a pattern with her carrots than listening to the conversation that was being had at the table, but as Rhaena kicks Visenya's leg under the table she realizes that someone had said something to her.

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