The Warrior And The Dreamer

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137 - Red Keep

Aemond had only expected to introduce the twins to the king today, still wanting to spend more time with them before life returned to normal. More time with Visenya before they need to go to their duties. But when Visenya and he arrived in the king's chamber, he was greeted with the presence of his mother and his grandsire.

Aemond can't help but hold resentment towards his mother, not only for keeping him away from Visenya during her labour but also because she thought she had the right to choose if Visenya or the twins would live.

Aemond knows he should care about introducing his children to his father, but he doesn't care about it. He is doing this because he knows that Visenya has a closer relationship with his father than he does. Aemond had the theory that his father was only staying alive so that he could make sure he and Visenya had gotten married and had children. No doubt that if he had died a year ago, his mother would have stopped their union.

Laenor had woken up on the walk to the king's chambers. Aemond is hoping that he doesn't get fussy and is relieved when he doesn't. Daenys stays awake, staring at her father as he holds her close to his chest. Aemond wonders what is going through her mind, what she is thinking about.

Aemond stands behind Visenya, sitting on a chair beside the king's bed. He knows that the king might not be in the right state of mind to understand what is happening, but he hopes for Visenya's sake; he hasn't had any milk of the poppy today.

"My King," Visenya tries to get his attention, but Viserys doesn't respond to her. Visenya looks back to Aemond, asking him to try and get his father's attention. Aemond thinks it is stupid that if the King were to wake up, it would be because Visenya was calling to him.

Aemond has lost faith that his father cared for him the day he lost his eye, as did Aegon. It was made clear to both brothers that the king had apparent favouritism towards Rhaenyra and her children. Unlike his brother, Aemond doesn't blame Rhaenyra or her children for this fact. He blames his father.

"Father," Aemond calls out and to his surprise, his father's eye open. A small part of him hoped that ht eking wouldn't wake up, and then he and his now bigger family could go back to their room.

Visenya smiles at Aemond as she moves to show king Laenor. Aemond moves Daenys in his arm, copying his wife's actions.

Visenya had spent many hours at Viserys bedside while she was pregnant. Often Ben would sit and marvel at the model of Valyria while the granddaughter and grandsire sat with each other.

"This is Laenor and Daenys," Visenya introduces to the King. Proud of what she does, part of her feels like a little girl showing her grandsire how much her Valyrian has progressed. "Aemond and I, children,"

Viserys smiles at his son and Visenya. He remembered their wedding day, how they looked at each other with so much love, and how that love had only grown since the wedding. When Visenya had told him that she was with a child, the joy that the two would be a family like he and Aemma were. The young couple reminds him so much of him and Aemma, a love between two dragons that strengthen their house.

"I do believe that he has his namesake nose, and to have another dreamer in our family is a gift from the gods," Viserys jokes, out of breath at saying the simple words. Visenya smiles at it, and Viserys grabs Visenya's hand. "Was the labour easy?"

"No, it wasn't, I believe it would have gone easier with Aemond by my side, but I got through it," Visenya tells Viserys, gently squeezing his hand. It pains Visenya to see him in such pain, so close to death's door.

"Whose idea was it to keep him away from you?" Viserys asks her, and Visenya looks to Alicent, the queen already picking at the skin at her fingers. Visenya knew that the king would not be pleased with his wife if he found out about her influence on labour. "Naejot gaomagon ao lanta qrīdrughagon hen mēre iksis hae naejot dīnagon hen se perzys hen jorrāelagon,"

To keep you two away from one another is like putting out the fire of love.

"My King, you should rest," Alicent speaks up beside her father. She doesn't know if Visenya or Aemond would tell the king, but she will keep him in the dark for as long as possible.

"Iksan biare hen ao," Viserys tells Visenya before looking to Aemond, who gently rocks Daenys in his arms. "Oth hen ao,"

I am proud of you. Both of you

Aemond had never had those words told to him by his father. Aemond looks down at his daughter, a soft smile on his face. Alicent watches her son, wondering what the king could have said to him to get such a reaction out of him. A simple smile, not a smirk, a smile.

"Avy jorrāelan," Visenya whispers to her grandsire before Otto hands him his cup of milk, the poppy.

I love you

Aemond makes his way to the common area of the king's chambers. His mother followed behind him, wanting to see Daenys. Otto moves to the other side of the bed and helps Visenya out of the chair, offering her a kind smile that she returns.

Otto thinks Aegon should sit on the Iron Throne after Viserys, but the idea of having Aemond and Visenya could be a good fit. Aemond is still loyal to his family, and Visenya has the support of three of the great houses. Even if they put Aegon on the throne, the twins can be used to ensure that Visenya is on their side when it comes to war.

Visenya slightly relaxes as Rhaenyra and Daemon enter the room. Her mother moved towards her, gently kissing her cheek as Visenya handed Laenor. Visenya knows that Rhaenyra would never harm her children, much like Ben. Rhaenyra smiles down at the newborn as she stands with Aemond and Alicent. Daemon walks toward Visenya and Otto; the hand quickly leaves the two alone.

Daemon pulls his daughter into a hug; even though Rhaenyra had told him that she was okay, he was relieved to see her okay. Part of him feared that Visenya might have taken her fate into her own hands like Laena had, to have a Dragonriders death rather than death on her birthing bed.

– –

Aemond hadn't let anyone hold Daenys. Not his mother. Not Rhaenyra. No one. He was even weary when Rhaenyra was holding Laenor, thinking he could probably have both babies in his arms if he tried hard enough.

He was relieved when Visenya made it clear that she wanted to leave the King's chambers, taking Laenor back from her mother. That relief vanishes as Ben walks beside Visenya, making faces at Laenor.

"We should go to the dragonpit today. Pick out another egg," Visenya tells Aemond as they walk down an almost empty hall, the few Lords and Ladies bowing their heads down to them.

"You should be resting," Aemond tells her, he knows that if it were up to Visenya that she would have gone to the dragonpit to get another egg the same night as the twins were born. He understands the motive behind her wanting to get Daenys a dragon egg, she doesn't want her to go through what he went through.

"If we go now, then we can introduce the dragons to the twins; we'll have to do it sooner or later," Visenya tells him. Ben smiles at the thought of Morghon seeing the twins.

Aemond can't help but think that it is a bad idea to introduce the twins to the dragons so soon. Part of him is nervous that Vhagar will not listen to him and might hurt them. He knows that Morghon would never do anything to harm Visenya and that the bond between them probably extends to the twins as well. But the bond between Aemond and Vhagar isn't as strong.

"I want to travel to the Riverlands so that Rob can meet them," Visenya changes the topic as Aemond gets quiet at her previous idea.

"Why can't he come here?" Aemond asks.

"Rob is a Lord. I can't just ask him to drop everything for a visit to Kings Landing," Visenya answers him, she doesn't doubt that Rob would drop everything to meet the twins, but she doesn't want him to make the long trip. "If we take the dragons, then the flight would only be a few hours instead of making him travel to us,"

"Going to the Riverlands would be nice," Ben speaks up. "A break from everything going on here, the people, the duties,"

"So Ser Blackwood would be coming with us?" Aemond asks Visenya.

"He has travelled on dragonback with me from the North and back," Visenya defends Ben. "We can wait a while, a month or two before we go, but I do want to go within the year,"

Aemond hums as he opens the door to their room, letting Visenya and Ben into the room before following behind them.  

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