Wolves Of The North

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135 AC - Winterfell (One Year Later)

Visenya takes a stab at Cregan, frustrated at how she can not win against the Northman.

Every day Visenya and Cregan had trained together in the training yard of Winterfell, and Visenya, who once thought she was great with a sword, had only won against Cregan once. That one time was because he became distracted by his lady wife Alysanne, who is probably one of the most beautiful Visenya has ever laid her eyes on. Visenya would have tried to shoot her shot with the woman if she weren't married.

Cregan steps away from Visenya and slaps the flat of his sword against Visenya's ass, letting out a laugh as the girl falls onto her knees. Visenya digs her sword into the ground and leans her onto the hilt, she needs a break, but she wants to be better than Cregan.

"Fucking asshole. I will cut out your eyes and fucking eat them," Visenya says only loud enough for herself and Cregan to hear. The threat was empty. Even if Visenya is jealous of Cregan, she does admire him, and the two are even friends.

"A Princess shouldn't have such foul words in her mouth," Cregan teases Visenya. Cregan enjoys hearing the threats that Visenya tells herself after he beats her in a fight, and this time, the threat is quite nice compared to other things she has said.

"I have had much worse things in my mouth, Stark," Visenya responds, pulling herself up and offering him a smile.

"I hope none of those bad things belong to my brother," Alysanne speaks as she walks towards her husband and Visenya.

Alysanne, like most people, has had the suspicion that Visenya and Ben's relationship goes beyond that one of platonic love. No matter how many times both Visenya and Ben had tried to explain to Alysanne that there had never been any sexual relationship between the two, she had always agreed in a joking way.

"Lady Stark," Visenya bows her head down. Visenya enjoys the company of Alysanne, finding her presence calming.

"Now, why do you address her by the popper title?" Cregan asks as he greets his wife.

"Because she is beautiful," Visenya tells him with a flirty smile on her face, directed towards Alysanne. Undoubtedly, Alysanne is beautiful, with long thick black hair and streaking northern features. Her simple beauty is enough to weaken any man's or woman's knees.

"You flatter me, My Princess," Alysanne tells the princess, a slight blush rising on her neck.

Cregan clears his throat, and Alysanne smiles at him. Such a jealous man. Alysanne hands a letter to Visenya, and the princess takes it from her, staring down at the letter with hatred. She wants her life to be free from her family's drama, to train and fuck as she pleases. But it seems that no matter how far north she goes, someone will need her help or approval with something.

"I thought I said to burn any letters, then come for me," Visenya says, not tearing her gaze from the latter.

"Yes, but it seems that this one is from Driftmark. I thought that the news might be too important to let it burn," Alysanne tells her. In one of their 'ladies' nights in,' Visenya had drunk enough northern wine to talk freely, and she had spoken to Alysanne about how much she misses her family, including her grandmother. Tales of her youth from Driftmark. Alysanne knows that Visenya should read the letter just in case something terrible has happened.

"Thank you. M'lady. Stark," Visenya nods as she makes her way to Ben's room.

If she opens the letter, she will need Ben to talk her down if necessary.

– –

Visenya walks into Ben's chamber, not bothering to knock, but as she sees what Ben is taking part in, she wishes she had. Visenya clears her throat, and the three people look up from what they are doing. Ben smiles at Visenya while the men and women cover themselves.

"The two of you out," Visenya tells them as she walks to one of the chairs in front of the fireplace. The two strangers scramble to gather their things, and Visenya throws Ben a pair of pants to cover himself.

"You didn't have to ruin my day," Ben tells her as he moves off the bed. He had been enjoying the two beautiful people he had picked out. "If you were jealous, you could have taken one of them,"

"I have my lovers, thank you very much," Visenya tells him as he sits in the chair opposite her. Visenya and Ben had been enjoying their freedom in the north, and Ben was a hit among all the ladies and men. Visenya even let herself have a couple of lovers in the past, but it was never to the same extent as Ben. Visenya tosses Ben the letter and looks at the fire.

"What's this?" Ben asks as he looks at the seal. Sea green with a Targaryen Dragon.

"Letter from my grandmother," Visenya tells him, but he already could tell. "Either my grandsire, Lord Corlys, has finally died at the step stones or something else has happened,"

"Why haven't you opened it yet?" Ben asks, but he knows the answer.

"Because I like the life we have here, and I do not want it to end yet," Visenya answers as she relaxes in her chair. "I know that if I open it and it is bad news, then we have to leave the north and go back,"

Ben hands the letter back to Visenya. Giving her a silent look to open it, he knows that Visenya will open the letter. If she weren't, then she would have already burned it. Visenya grabs the letter and breaks the seal.

"Darling Visenya. I regret to inform you that your grandsire has been hurt, and Vaemond Velaryon is going to King's Landing to plead his claim for the Driftmark throne. I wish you to return and offer me your support," Visenya reads out loud.

Visenya knew that when Lord Corlys died, anyone would change her brother's claim to the Driftmark throne with Valaryon's blood. If the legitimacy of Luke's birth is brought up in question, so would hers and the rest of her brothers. It only takes one eye to know that the children are not Ser Laenors.

"Support for who? Isn't your brother in line for Driftmark," Ben questions and Visenya nods. Visenya believes that her grandmother has been making an excellent job ruling in the absence of Lord Corlys and that if he were to die, she would be a better fit for the throne than Luke. But Luke is her blood brother, and even if he hates her now, she will support and protect him no matter what.

"My brother Luke can not even get on a boat without getting Green Sick. She wants me to support her. She has been ruling the past eight years and doing a good job of it," Visenya tells Ben as she throws the letter into the fire, watching it go up in flames.

"So, are we gonna go?" Ben asks, but he already knows the answer. A year-long period of peace and happiness was already given to them by the gods, and it was only a time before a war or something like that happened to steal them away.

"If Vaemond Velaryon is making his plea for the throne, then he will be bringing up the legitimacy of my brothers and me. I might not be close with them, but I will not allow my brothers or mother to be humiliated like that," Visenya explains to Ben, trying to justify to him and herself why they should leave.

"It is a long ride to the capital, and Morghon has gotten-"

"Are you calling him fat?" Visenya cuts him off. Morghon had gotten a little rounder in their time in the north, splurging on how much he ate. In no way is the dragon unhealthy, just a bit more fat around his tummy.

"No, just a little chubby," Ben tries to explain himself.

"I'll tell him you said that," Visenya tells him as she gets up. She nods toward his stomach, which is still bare. "And you are one to talk, gotten a bit rounder,"

Ben had gotten a little rounder in the stomach, but both knew it only added to his scary demeanour. Ben rubs his hand over his belly.

"The people love it," He defends as he stands up from his chair, pulling away various articles of clothing. "I'll start packing,"

"No more whoring around," Visenya jokes as she walks to his door.

Ben swirls one of the shirts in his hand and whips it against the back of her tight. She turns and gives him a joking smile before exiting his room.

Both of them know that this trip to the capital would be enjoyable, full of Targaryen drama, and Visenya can only open that none of her family gets caught in the crossfire. A small part of Visenya is nervous as well. She would be seeing him again.  

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