Chapter 2 ~ Introductions

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Picture of  Stiles

*after class*

I walk out of xo5 and see Scott waiting for me "that was the worst 50 minutes of my life." I say as we walk to the lunch hall.

"I know right," he agrees "coach kept giving me the evil eyes."

I had to sit in the front row because we were late and I swear every time coach got close to me he spat on me, it's probably because I wasn't paying attention, I was just thinking of Malia.

*at lunch*

I order tuna pasta and a coke zero for lunch, I sit at an empty table next to the door. A guy in a white jacket sits opposite me.

"Hey," he says "I'm Erick."

"Hi I'm Malia."

"Do you like waffles?"


"Do you like-"

"Oh enough!"says a red haired girl sitting at the table next to mine "do you want to sleep with him?"she says looking at me.

"What, umm no!"

"Exactly, you heard her Erick get lost!"

The guy in the White jacket walks over to his friends.

"I'm Lydia."

"I'm Malia."

"Nice to meet you."

"Yeah." I smile.

"Are you new?"a girl with black hair sitting next to Lydia asks.

"Umm Yeah."

"Omg that's so cool, I'm Kira!"

"I wish I was new." says a girl sitting to the left of Lydia.

"Why?" Lydia asks.

"Because, If I was new I would get all the attention!"

"That's stupid Alison!" says Kiera.

Stiles's POV

I see Malia sitting alone at a table talking to Lydia Martin (my ex) I walk over to try and save her from the wrath of Satan.

"Hi stiles." Kiera and Allison say in unison.

"Hey."I say waving they giggle and look away.

Scott sits next to Kiera and quickly kisses her on the cheek. I sit next to Malia.

"What are you doing?" she says looking at me wide eyed.

"Sitting with you." I reply.

"Aren't you worried that you'll look like a loser if you sit with me?"

"Your not a loser."

"You don't even know me."

"No but I know you've been here for 5 minutes and you've already got Satan and her minions to talk to you."

"Satan that's a bit harsh, you must really hate her."

"Yeah she's my ex." I say as if that explains why she's Satan, it really doesn't.

"Ohh, so the whole 'she dumped you but you still love her and always will thing?'"

"No, more like the 'I took a picture with my niece and she burnt all my clothes thing!'"

"Oh wow."

" Yeah."

A piece of hair falls from behind her ear and into her pasta, instinctively I pick it up and put it behind her ear again.

"Thanks."she says smiling.

She looks so beautiful when she smiles.

"No problem." I say smiling back at her.

She drops my gaze and smiles into her pasta .


That girl has been here for 5 seconds, who does she think she is trying to steal my boyfriend, she will pay!

I pick up my tray and go and sit next to Stiles, Kiera, Alison and Scott follow me.

"Hey babe!" I say running my hands trough Stiles' hair.

He picks up my hand and puts it on the table.

"Hi Lydia." he says in his usual sarcastic tone. "How was your day?"

"Awe it was great, thanks for asking, babe."

"I was being sarcastic."

"Shut up, your so funny!"

Malia leans on the table, my fork falls off, when I go to pick it up I see that their feet are touching. I text

L: Kick her

A: What ?


"Awww!" Malia screams.

"Sorry," Allison explains "spastic legs."

"I think I need to go to medical."

"Let me take you!" Stiles says standing up.

When she tries to stand she falls, he catches her, he laughs and she smiles he walks with his hand around her waist.

"You weren't supposed to kick her that hard!" I tell Allison, Scott raises his eyebrows at me.

"What? She needed to learn a lesson."

"Are you sure you weren't just jealous?"

"Why would I be jealous of her?"

"Because she's beautiful she has more followers then you and Stiles likes her."

"Shut up Kiera! Will one of you idiots go spy on them?"

They both get up and run to medical, Scott and I are left at the table alone. I hope he doesnt have a go at me, if he does i will make his life hell!

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