Chapter 14 ~ Six Words

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Thank you to @MaliasPack for all your comments and votes, it means a lot ❤️☺️


I sit anxiously waiting for her to say something.

She sighs and looks up at me. "Stiles, I'm braking up with you."

There they are, the six words that help the power to stop my heart from beating, to trap the air in my lungs. And that's exactly what they did.

I swallow hard trying to say something trying to breath, it feels like eternity when in reality its only a few seconds.

I muster enough courage to say the only thing I can say.

"Why?" I ask though I dread the answer.


I feel the tears threatening to spill from the rims of my eyes.

"Stiles," I choke the reality of what I'm about to do finally hitting me, I'm about to loose the person I love the most.

"I can't be in a relationship that's destined to fail, I can't be with you knowing that there are people who would do anything to see us apart. I haven't known you long and I feel like I've put everything, all my effort into this and I didn't pay attention to how much it was hurting people. I've got so much, so much! Going on right now and I can't be with you like this! Being with the person you love is supposed to be easy it's not supposed to take up all your effort it's supposed to be effortless. So I can't be with you constantly being paranoid about hurting you constantly looking over my shoulder. I've already got problems, I've already got deamons and being with someone is supposed to take away from that, make it easier to cope with not harder."

By this point the tears are streaming down my face, uncontrollably flooding from my eyes.

"And you've got deamons to, so I'm letting you go," I pause before my final sentence, if the words leave my mouth it's final, no turning back. I'll loose him, I'll break him. But if I don't I'll loose myself.

"I'm letting you go, because I love you." I stand up and calmly walk to the door before he can say anything. And I swear I hear it, I hear his heart break.


So, this is a lot shorter than the chapters are normally but I thought I would end it here as its a lot of information to process.

Don't hate me! All hope for Stalia is not lost, I promise.

Also if there are spelling mistakes forgive me, I'm British so right now for me it's 4:36Am and I'm really tired but I have a really good editor (Lyl issy) so she'll fix any of those

Thanks for reading- Scarlett Xx

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