Chapter 20- Answers

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"Derek? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for your girlfriend! He answers pushing me to the side and heading straight towards Malia

"Whoa- slow down there bud." I place my hand on his chest to push him back

He looks at my face, than at my hand, than back at my face, my eyes follow his.

As quickly as I placed it, I remove my palm and try to casually run my fingers through my hair.

"What is it you need to talk to Mal 'bout bud." I try, playfully punching his shoulder.

He grabs my hand, twists it and pushes me onto the sofa.

"Hey, if you so much as harm one hair on his head I will kill you." Malia shouts from behind me as I stand up and shake out my hand.

"Malia, we have to go now it's not safe! You need to come with me!"

"I'm not going anywhere with you. A. I don't even know you and B. I'm not leaving stiles."

"There's no time to explain, she found us! We need to go before its to late I'll explain on the way!!"

He grabs her wrist and tries to drag her out, she doesn't let him. She twists his arm and flips him over so his back is on the ground. That's my girl!!

She steps over him and leans in close to his face.

"I'm not going to say it again, I'm not going anywhere without stiles."

I'm about to interrupt when there's s gun shot from outside.

Malia screams as the glass window shatters I jump behind the sofa pulling her down with me.

"SHIT!!" I hear Derek curse "it's to late! We need to go! NOW!"

I look at Mal she gives me a questioning look and I nod.

"I hate to break up this emotional exchange but now isn't really the time for romantic glances! You two need to get off your asses and find my car! It's round the back of the house, go out the window. I'll try hold her off and then meet you there." Derek instructs tossing me his keys and pulling out a gun, pointing it at the window "Go! NOW!!"

I grab malias hand and run to the room with the window closest to the back.

We make it to the bathroom and I slide open the glass. I spot the car and point it out to Malia.

"Okay, I'll go first." I whisper she nods and gives me a quick kiss.

"Be safe."

"Hey, don't worry about me. The cars only a couple meters away I can handle myself."

"I love you." She whispers "just in case."

I smile kissing her on the forehead and disappearing out the window.


Stiles disappears and I sit waiting with my head in my hands trying to listen to what's going on with Derek.

Ugh! It's not working. I haven't found an anchor yet.

Come on Mal! You can do this! For your safety, for stiles.

I try and focus on the faint sound of talking from the living room again but my mind wanders to a certain Burnett.

I think about what he said to me the first week of training.

You can do this! If you can't you'll learn. You have to keep trying until you get it right, never give up. I believe in you! 

For a second I stop being able to hear anything. And then it comes. The noise. The sound of everything. Maybe I have found an anchor.

"Come on Derek." The voice is female, I don't know it but I recognise it. "Give me the girl!"

"No Corrine! She's just a kid!"

Corrine, I know that name.

"A kid? She's the bitch that stole my power, my strength!"

"She's your daughter!!"

"No! She's the thing that ruined my life, do you know how it feels to have every once of power drained from your body. Every once of strength gone, Talia called it beautiful that the mother passes her power on to the child. I call it sick."

"Killing her won't bring it back!"

"Ahh your wrong, it will!"

"Not unless it's a full moon."

"So I'll capture her and kill her then!"

"Not if I can help it."


"Malia!" I yell running up to the window "get down here!"


"I'm here!" she says jumping Down to stand in front of me

I start to drag her to the car when I notice the tears.

"Hey, Mal hey. What's wrong"

She doesn't reply, she sinks to the floor head in hands.

I feel a pang of guilt and sink to her level gently grabbing  her face.

When I speak I try to make my voice as soft as possible.

"Malia. We don't have time for this. Now I don't know what's wrong but I promise you I will help you fix it once your safe. Okay?"

She nods biting her lip.

"Okay." I say more to myself then to her

I lightly pull her into the car and start the engine. Feeling slightly guilty about leaving Derek. Making a mentor note to come back for him.

About five minutes in to the drive she shifts her eyes from the window to me.

"She's my mum."

"What?" I ask dumbfounded

"That women, the one who wants to kill me. She's my mother."

"Mal I'm sorry." I try but she shakes her head.

She's not crying anymore but there are dried tears staining her cheeks. I try to keep my eyes on the road.

"It's okay," she starts with a fierceness in her voice that I've never heard before and with a hatred in her eyes I've never seen before. Thought it's not directed at me.

"I'm going to get her first."


Ooooh! Drama 😋 so Malia and stiles are on the run?! Where will they go?! Idk I guess we'll find out.

Ok so:

Q1: besides stalia who is your OTP

I know I'm not supposed to but I have lots of OTP's so I'm gonna put it to the top 3

#1 is BELLARKE! (Bellamy and Clarke the 100), I ship these two wayyyyyy to much and spend lots of time obsessing over them there's just so manyfeels agaghgddg.

#2 is GAGGIE! (Glenn and Maggie the walking dead.) ((idk their real ship name)) these two are perfect omggggg the feels!!

#3 is BAMON! (Damon and Bonnie the vampire diaries) no words needed, it's so mother effing cute.

Q2: electronics or books?

This one is hard but I think I'm gonna go with electronics because I can read books on my phone. Although I do love real actual books if I had to give one up it'd have to be them, my phone has more uses.

Q3: what fictional character would you want as a bestfriend?

Stiles!! Do I even need to explain?

Anywho lovelies


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have a good day and as always, thanks for reading

-Scarlett Xx

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