Chapter 23- Alone

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The doors to the ambulance are thrown open.

Nurses and other hospital workers jump out and rip Malia from my arms.

"She's barley breathing!" One of them calls as they take Malia into the ambulance.  I race forward trying to help but someone holds me back.

"Sir, we were told that she only had minor injuries did something happen in the time it took us to reach you?"

"No! Her injuries were never minor."

"Do you know who her emergency contact is?"

"Yes!" I scream trying to push past him.

He holds me back again

"Who is it?"

"Melissa Mcall."

He lets me go and I run into the ambulance. A nurse closes the door behind me and the ambulance moves.

Malia is lying unconscious, I drop my head into my hands and try not to relive today's memories.

I guess I don't try hard enough


I see Derek with his hands behind his back being dragged into a car.

But what I don't see is worse.

I don't see Malia.

I stumble to my feet grabbing the gun from peters hand and using it to shoot the two men holding Derek. I throw the gun to him.

He gives me a nod before running over to take out the two men who were going to kill Scott and Kira.

I stumble over to Allison. She's breathing.

"Stiles, call my dad."

"Okay." I nod taking her hand 

"Tell him I love him."

"Okay." I choke on the word this time.

"Tell Scott, that he'll always be my first love."

I nod, unable to speak.

"And Lydia and Kira, thank them for being the be-"

"Allison!" Scotts voice cuts her off he runs over to us pushing me out of he way and grabbing her hand. Kira grabs the other. 

A minute later Lydia runs over with Derek.

"We have to find Malia." He demands

I look to Scott "it's okay." He starts "me and Kira will stay with her."

"Bu-" Lydia starts

"It's fine, I'll help her." He reassures.

"Okay." I speak

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