Chapter 7 ~ Confusion

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"Malia?" I ask again cautiously, this time she pounces, knocking me over.

I hit my head on the table and let out a loud groan.

"Malia?" I hear Scott ask. I hear his footsteps running towards the front door but then he stops, turns round and walks into the living room kneeling beside me.

"Stiles?" he asks, worry lacing his voice.

"I'm fine," I manage to mumble. "Just find her."

"But-" he tries to protest but I cut him short.

"I'll be okay, just go. Go!"

Without replying he runs out the door calling her name.

I reach into my pocket and grab my phone. I press number one on favourites and then realise that it's Scott. I groan and go for option two, wait no, that's Malia. I'm pretty sure three is my dad and there's no point in worrying him so I go for the dreaded option four... Lydia Martin. I dial and wait three rings before she answers.

"Hey stiles," her chirpy voice comes through the speaker.

"He-" but she interrupts me.

"Don't worry Scott already called me I'm on my way!" the line clicks dead.

I make a mental note to thank Scott for that later.


I don't know what's going on. I remember running through the woods and someone chasing me, now here I am sitting next to the sign on the highway where I had that flashback.

The claws that grew out of my hands a few minutes ago have been replaced by my painted pink fingernails.

None of this makes any sense. Werewolves do not exist! There made up creatures in Harry Potter or Greek Mythology, they are not real. But It's the only explanation.

Scott sat me down in the kitchen and explained everything to me. At first when he told me about werewolves I laughed in his face, but then he showed me. His eyes glowed a bright red, fangs replaced his teeth and yellow claws sprouted from his fingernails. I tried to run, scared that he wasn't himself or that he would hurt me but he assured me that he could control it and would never hurt me.

He talked to me about alphas and banshees and hunters, it was so overwhelming I asked if I could just sit and think for a while. He ushered me into the living room and made me some hot coco.

Then all I remember is Stiles, anger pulsed through my body as he said my name. How could he not tell me? Confusion and anger pulse through me just thinking about him.

"Malia?" a voice calls in the distance. It sounds like Allison or maybe Kira.

I was right the first time. Allison comes running towards me, a look of pure shock overtakes her face when she sees me.

"Oh my god! What happened?" But before I can answer she continues "actually don't answer that, Stiles told me what happened."

I flinch at the sound of his name. I don't think she notices or she just doesn't care.

She offers me her hand, I take it and she pulls me up.

"God, are you okay?" she asks wrapping her arms around me. I stiffen for a second then hug her back. She pulls away to look at me, worry evident on her face.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." I say with a small smile.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah," she doesn't look convinced. "Seriously, I'm fine."

"Okay." she pulls out her phone "I have to call Stiles, and tell him I found you."

"Stiles?" I ask.

"Yup, he's the only one with a car." she giggles "he's kinda like our taxi driver, our very cute taxi driver." she sighs.

"You like him?"

"Every girl does."

"Yeah, not me."

"What? Why?"

"It's a long story, I still like him I'm just... Mad."

"Coz he didn't tell you?"

"Yeah how'd you guess?"

"Listen," she starts ignoring my question "I understand why your upset with him but it's not his fault... Stiles wanted to tell you but we make decisions as a group and we all decided that it would be better to keep it a secret, I'm sorry, Malia."

Her speech leaves me dumbfounded, now I don't know what to think. Some of the anger has faded but a bit of it's still there. My train of thought is interrupted when stiles and the rest of the 'gang' jump out of the jeep. Stiles has a bandage wrapped around his head and dried blood down the left side of his face.

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