Chapter 10 ~ Identity pt 2

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Picture of stiles's dad


They all turn to look at me...

I open my mouth to speak but before I can say anything Stiles interrupts.

"She doesn't know anything!" he says looking around.

"Maybe she does!" Lydia reasons.

"Does it look like she knows anything?" Allison asks coming to stand on my right, Stiles on my left. "She looks more shocked than the rest of us," she continued.

"Hale." I whisper under my breath, squeezing my eyes shut.

I open them and look down at the crumpled piece of paper in my hand, no! It's still the same. Malia, Malia Tate. Malia Hale?

"Malia?" Scott asks placing a hand on my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts.


"Are you okay?"

"I'm just confused."

"Yeah well, so are we." Lydia mutters, earning glares from Scott and Stiles.

"Can someone please tell me who Peter Hale is?" I ask looking around.

Scott looks at Stiles, who bites his lip and shakes his head.

"She deserves to know who her father is!"exclaims Kira, staring at the boys.

"We don't know for sure that he's her father." Lydia states.

"Right," Allison mutters rolling her eyes. "Because Derek could be her father."

"Can you please just shut tell me who Peter Hale is!" their heads snap towards me.

I look up into Stiles's eyes.

"Please?" I ask him, in a more gentle tone.

He lets out a long breath, closes his eyes and nods. "Okay." he opens his eyes "we'll tell you who he is."


After we explained to Malia who the Hales are and what happened with Peter. She told me that she felt overwhelmed and confused.

So I took her to my house, now we're sitting on the sofa watching some chick flick Malia picked.

"Are you sure your okay?" I ask her again.

"Yes Stiles," she rolls her eyes. "I'm fine."

"Okay, okay I'm just making sure." I laugh.

"I'm fine." she huffs.

"Just to make sure," I start with a playful smirk in her direction. "You're okay, right?"

She grabs a pillow and tries to hit me with it. I snatch it away from her, she tries to take it back but pulls it so hard she ends up falling on the floor. I burst into laughter but calm down when I realise she hasn't moved in at least 30 seconds.

"Are you alright?" I ask extending my hand to her trying not to laugh.

"No." she mutters turning away from me.

"Aw don't be like that." she turns to look at me, "please?" I ask extending my hand to her again.

"Okay." She sighs grabbing my hand.

Before I can pull her up she pulls me down to the floor. Pulling my face out of the carpet, I sit up and put my elbows on the ground.

"What was that for?"

"Laughing at me!"

"Well, how can I make up for it?"

"Hmmm I don't know you'll have to think of something."

I smile at her. "Okay."

I put my hands on her waist and jump on top of her so I'm straddling her.

"Hello beautiful." I smile.

"What are you doing?" she asks through giggles.

"Making it up to you."

I lean down and kiss her. She wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. Someone clears their throat in the background.

I jump off her and land on the sofa. I see my dad standing in the living room within an expression that's half pissed and half amused.

"Stiles. Care to explain?"

"It's not what it looks like." I blurt

"So you weren't making out with your girlfriend in the middle of the living room floor?"

"Okay, so maybe it is what it looks like."

"I thought so."

"Should I go?" Malia asks, I turn to look at her

"N-" dad cuts me short

"Of course not!" he smiles. "I wanna get to know you."

"So your not angry?" she asks.

"Not really, I mean I get it your teenagers with raging hormones. I was a kid once too. But, son," he turns to look at me "if your gonna do it, don't do it in the living room!"

"So I'm not grounded?"

"Of course you are! Just because I understand your actions doesn't mean I condone them. Although i am glad your FINALLY getting some. I was worried about you ya know. Coz when I was young all the ladies wanted my d-"

"OKAY. that's enough dad." I sigh.

"Don't give me attitude Stiles your in enough trouble already."

"But I-"


I role my eyes. I look at Malia who is trying really hard not to crack up.

"Would you like to stay for dinner, Malia?" Dad asks a large smile plastered on his face.

"I'd love to." she replies returning his grin.

B.H.H.S (stalia)Where stories live. Discover now