Chapter 4 ~ Firsts

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Picture of Scott


I dry my hair and change into my outfit the door bell rings, I open the door

"Hey." says Stiles

"Hey." I reply. "Your two minutes early!"

"Well if it's a problem I'll just wait out here," he smirks, I smile and shake my head. He opens the door to a blue Jeep.

"After you." he says. I immediately start laughing.

"What?" he questions.

"Nothing, you just seem more like the kind of guy who would drive a sports car."

"Is there a problem with my Jeep?" he laughs .

"No, I just always pictured you in like a black Porsche with like shades on listening to rap music."

"Well I drive a jeep, I only wear shades at the beach and I mainly listen to 90's music."

"Okay,okay. Your jeep is awesome!"

"wait a sec, you always picture me?" he says wiggling his eyebrows.

"oh shut up!" I say a small blush creeping up my cheeks.

*At ice cream parlour*

"I'll have a chocolate ice cream with Haribos and extra sprinkles." Malia says.

"I'll have the same" I say.

"You don't have to get the same thing, it's cute and all but if you want like lemon sorbet that's what you should get." she chirps.

"No." I say. "I was actually gonna order a chocolate ice cream with Haribos and extra sprinkles."

"Oh." she says avoiding my gaze.

The cashier comes back with our ice cream.

"Thank you." we say simultaneously we sit at a table near the window, Malia takes out her phone and takes a picture of her ice cream.

"Oh," I say."So your one of those girls"

"What girls?"

"Oooooooh should I put this up in xx-pro or Valencia." I say twiddling my hair around my finger well, trying to.

"Well actually I prefer Ludwig or Willow but close enough." she smiles mischievously. She gets up.

"Move over," she commands, so I do. She sits down next to me and takes a selfie. "In honour of your Instagram page, I'll post this picture in toaster."

"Why toaster." I ask.

"Because ninety nine percent of your pictures are in toaster."

"How do you know?"

"I'm the Instagram master."

"Oh, ok."

"Was that sarcastic?"


She shakes her head and goes to stand up but I pull her back down. She looks at me confused. I kiss her lightly.

"I've been wanting to do that all night." I say.

She smiles. "I think the ice cream's melting" she says. I laugh, I look at the ice cream and take out one of the gummy rings. Gently I slide it onto her finger.

"What, are you proposing now?"

"No, more like 'I saw a gummy ring and thought it would look good on you.'"

"Well, thanks." she smiles.


Stiles opens the car door for me, we walk to my house.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"8:50." he replies.

"Crap" I shout.

"What?" he says.

"Well, I have a maths test tomorrow, and I haven't revised."

"But aren't you some kind of genius?"

"Maths is the only subject I'm not good at."

"Well, lucky for you, maths is my strongest subject."


"What's so shocking about that?"

"It's just, every popular guy is usually like really dumb."

"Well, I have straight a's in everything but history."

"Your just full of surprises aren't you?"


I knock on the front door Keira opens it.

"Did you have fun?" she asks.

"Yeah." I say. We go up to my room.

"Stop!" I scream, slamming my body against the door. "Just wait a minute."

I turn my covers over so they're on the White side, I throw my build-a-bear under my bed, I stack my magazines under my science books and strip my wall of the Game of thrones and Jennifer Lawrence posters.

"Ok, come in." I sit on the bed

"Nice room" he says.

"Yeah," I nod. "So, maths?"


Malia shuts the book and turns to me, she kisses me passionately.

"Wait, but we're not done studying." I blurted.

"Yes we are." she says aggressively.

I roll her, so that she's on her stomach.

"Look, I promised I'd help you study. And then we can go back to that, like so much" she laughs.
"What's with all the highlighters" I ask.

"Well, green is for the things I understand, yellow is for I'm working on it and... red is for I have no clue."

I think about the board in my room remembering the different coloured strings I used to help me solve the Oni mystery.

I tilt her head towards me and kiss her, she breaks away. I pout.

"Study first, remember?" she says, cheekily. 

I turn to the books wishing I hadn't made that rule.

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