Chapter 22- what should've happened

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A/N: We're getting close to the end! It's bittersweet 😩😋 this chapter is dedicated to @omega_wolfies for the votes. It's actually really helpfull💖


We were so stupid.

I was so stupid.

Stupid to assume that peter was dead. Stupid not to check his pulse. Stupid to think malias mother, the desert wolf wouldn't find us. Stupid to put Malias life in my hands. Stupid not to tell her just how much she meant to me before it was to late.

So, so stupid

*24 hours ago*

"Stiles?" Malia asks not taking her eyes off Peter.

"Is that peter." I don't answer, she been through enough.

"Stiles! Is that... Is that my dad?"

"Mal..." I trail off

"Oh my god." She brings her hand to her mouth and shakes her head.

"No, no, NO! This isn't happening. This can't be happening." She says through sobs

It hurts seeing her like this fragile, broken.

"Mal," I wrap my arms around her. "I am so sorry."

"I never got to know him. I never got a second chance... At having a family."

"Malia," I whisper into her hair "I'm so sorry, you didn't deserve this."

She winces and pulls away. I feel a little hurt but I give her, her space.

"What if I do? Deserve it."

"Malia-" I resist he erg to comfort her and let her finish.

"Stiles! I killed my own family! My mother, my father... My sister, And Peter was supposed to be my second chance, and he's gone. And maybe it's because I don't deserve a second chance. And I sure as hell don't deserve you! And that hurts so much... Because I know that no matter what I do I'll never really deserve you."

"Malia!" This time I do touch her. I pull her into my arms and let her cry. "I'm not going to try to tell you that you deserve me, because even though you do, I know you won't believe it. But what I will tell you is that I deserve you. I Love you Mal! I'm so in love with you! And I haven't been able to connect with anyone this much since my mum and I think that I deserve to live someone more than I love myself. Weather you like it or not, that person is you. I love you."

That's what I should've done, should've said. That is how it should've happened. But it's not.

"Stiles! I killed my own family! My mother, my father... My sister, And Peter was supposed to be my second chance, and he's gone. And maybe it's because I don't deserve a second chance. And I sure as hell don't deserve you! And that hurts so much... Because I know that no matter what I do I'll never really deserve you."

I didn't know what to do, what to say.

"I'm sorry Malia." The three most stupid words to ever leave my mouth.

"Yh," she stands up wipes her eyes and starts walking towards the jeap, "me too."

*Present time*

And now it's to late. I sit here with Malias limp body in my arms. She's barely breathing.

I look down at her, the girl I love. Blood, her blood soaks my hands.

I take a deep breath. Clasp my blood covered hands together and do something I haven't done since the day my mum died... I pray.

I look up at the sky and think.

Now, I don't know if anyone or anything is listening to this but if you are we need to have a talk.

I'm not going to sit here and demand to know what I did to deserve having my mother die in my arms, because it made me who I am. Who I am is a boy hopelessly in love with a girl lying in his arms barely breathing. Now I don't know if this is funny to you, if you think having another person die next to me is ironic to you. To me it's not, to me it's torture. Aren't you the one that said everyone deserves a second chance? Well Malia Tate was supposed to be mine! Please, im begging! You can torture me, break my soul, break my bones, but for the love of, well... You, Please, let her live.

I hear sirens in the distance and I cry out in relief the noise gets louder and an ambulance pulls up next to Malia.

I think back to earlier today. How me and Malia were waiting for target to open when there was a shot fired at the jeep. It went straight through the window barley missing me and Mal. I opened the door jumping out to see Peter holding a gun and pointing it at me.


"Don't move." He commands He turns to face Malia. "You move, I shoot him."

She gulps and tries to talk but Peter has something else in mind.

"Shut up!" He glares at her moving closer to me and wiggling the gun a little. "You talk he dies."

"Now your going to do what I say or I'm going to-"

"Kill me," I interrupt "we get it."

"Malia, get on your knees put your hands behind your back."

She obliged.

Peter puts his gun in his pocket reaching for a piece of rope. While his back is turned, I try to make a move. I try to punch him.

Hes to fast. He grabs me by the neck and pushes me against the jeep.

"No." I hear Malia yell.

I try to tell her it'll be okay but peters grip is to strong.

I can feel myself begging to fade.

"I'll do anything!" His grip loosens slightly, but not enough.

"Anything I swear! Just don't kill him! Please?"

He releases his grip on my neck and I breath a sigh of relief. But before I can try to do anything he hits me over the head with a rock.

I wake up a to a gun shot. It must be late now because it's dark. There's a throbbing pain in my right temple.

I can't remember what happened until I look around.

What I see makes my heart stop.

I see Scott and Kira on there knees with their eyes covered and two men pointing guns to their heads.

I see Allison lying on the ground with an arrow in her stomach and a pool of blood next to her.

I see Lydia trying to fight off two men about twice her size and then I see one of then push a knife into her back, she falls to her knees.

I see Peter hale's dead body lying next to me a gun in his hand.

I see Derek with his hands behind his back being dragged into a car.

But what I don't see is worse.

I don't see Malia.

To be continued

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