Chapter 5 ~ Facebook Oficiall

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Picture of Allison


The light shines through my window, I blink until my eyes adjust to the room.

I turn around and see styles dribbling on his pillow, I laugh and decide not to wake him. Slowly I roll to the other side of my bed and reach for my phone. I check the time it's 6:35. Trying not to wake him I open my camera and take a picture of styles. I post it on Instagram with the caption: soooo cuteeeee and tag stiles.

He mumbles something incoherent and starts to sit up. "Good Morning beautiful." he says groggily, rubbing his eyes.

"Morning," I sing and kiss him on the cheek. "Sleep well?" I ask showing him the picture I took.

"No!" He shouts. "Please tell me you didn't post that!"


"You did, didn't you?"


He starts laughing and reaches for his phone. He likes the picture and comments: your the cute one
I laugh at his comment and click on his profile. I smile.

"What?" he asks.

"Your bio says taken." I reply laughing.

He shakes his head and kisses me.

Stiles's POV

I open my locker and go to grab my books when I hear the sound of heals coming down the hall.

"How dare you!" Lydia shouts.

"What now?" I ask.

"You slept with her!" she screams.

"I what?"

She slaps me and runs into the girls bathroom. I wince in pain and realise that everyone is staring at me.

"I didn't cheat on her, we were never dating!" I scream. They all turn away.

Malia walks in laughing with Scott and some guy I don't recognise, I sigh, slightly jealous. She looks at me, then at the red mark on my face and runs over.

"What happened?" she asks worried, cupping my face.

"Lydia." I mumble.

She kisses my cheek. "Did that help?"

"Hmmmm... not really."

"well, maybe this will."

She smirks puts her arms around my neck and kisses me softly at first and then passionately. I drop my books and my hands fall to her waist. She steps back, I hold her against my locker.

"Get a room!" Scott screams, Malia jumps.

"Thanks Scott." I mumble.


I get a message from Allison, I wipe away my tears so I can see it clearly it's a picture of Stiles and Malia kissing, I start to cry again, a new round of tears threatening to leak but I stop myself. I shouldn't be upset, I should be angry. That bitch took everything from me and she has to pay! I'll take her down and I'll get Stiles back and I'll make sure that she feels how I feel right now for the rest of her life!

I text Allison

L: so r they together

A: I think so

L: Good


I hate maths😭 thank god it's our last lesson.

I send Stiles.

S: I hate tests in general 😂

M: Me too 😩

S: I'm so bored 😑

M: Miss you x 😉❤️

S:Miss you more xx❤️🌏

M: I don't believe you 😏😉

S: Well you should 😉😉

"Malia?" Mrs Rechins ask.


"We're you texting in my exam?"

"No Miss."

"Then you wouldn't mind me checking your phone?"

I put my phone on the table, She picks it up and reads the texts.

"Malia and stiles you'll both be staying after class."

The class giggles.

"And anyone who laughs will be staying too!"

*after detention*

I walk out of the detention mrs kept me  after styles to tell me that I could fix my mistake by joining the debate team. At first I said no but she insisted so I told her I'd think about it. Stiles is waiting by my locker.

"Hey." I smile.

"Hi," he says I can tell he's nervous.

"What's up?"

"I need to ask you something."

"Okay what is it?"I ask worriedly.

"So about halfway through the detention I realised I hadn't actually asked you out yet..."

I let out a deep breath and relax.

"So Malia, would you like to officially be my girlfriend?" he half smiles.

"Of course," I say laughing. "I'm putting it on Facebook and Instagram."

"Of course you are." he says shaking his head.

"Yay, I changed my status to in a relationship!"

"Yay!" he says sarcastically.

"Well, you don't want your lacrosse team player friends to think I'm single do you?"



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