Chapter 9 ~ Identity

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Malia's outfit at the top


"Malia Hale?" I choke out griping Stiles' arm for support. "My name is Malia Hale?"

24 hours earlier...

It's been a week since I found out I was a werewolf, it's been going well. Training with Scott is really helping and Stiles is always there for support.

I can turn when I want now, it's just turning back that's hard. I still haven't found my anchor.

Scott, stiles and the rest of the gang found something we call the deadpool, it's like a hit list of all the supernatural creatures in beacon hills.

The only problem is that we don't have the list, we need to crack the code to find out who's on it. 

Things with Lydia are kind off weird, she'll glare at me in class and ignore me when we're all together but I've been trying to ignore it. Kira and Allison have been really nice to me, they always sit with me and talk to me just treat me like I'm one of them.

I pull on my dress and plug in the straightener. Stiles is coming at 7 and it's 6:30 so I've got 30 minutes to get ready. Great!

I finish straightening my hair at 6:45. Flipping down on my bed, I pull out my phone and text Kira.

Malia: what ya doin wiv Scott tonight? 😏😏 I think I know already 😉

Kira: umm no! 😂 we're just watching a movie wbu? 💖😉

Malia: me and stiles are gonna go get Chinese and then go somewhere, he won't tell me where he's taking me 😩

Kira: ooooh I love surprises, I wish Scott was romantic 🙄

Malia: I hate surprises! 😑😂

Kira: u wanna swap bf? 😏

Malia: no thanks, he's my cousin!😷

Kira: oh Yh😅 gtg now Scott's here have fun tonight 😉❣ not to much though😂🌏

Malia: ttyl 🙄🌏😂❣

I turn my phone of and hear Stiles' jeep pull up.


I knock on the door and wait for Malia to answer.

She opens the door, her hair is straight and her makeup is flawless, she's wearing a purple dress that's tight at the top and cascades into a skirt at the bottom. In short, she looks beautiful.

She smiles when she sees me staring at her.

"What?" she asks raising an eyebrow.

"You just look... wow."

She giggles. And I extend my hand to her, she takes it and walks beside me.

"After you my lady." I say opening the car door for her.

"Why thank you." she replies hopping into the jeep.

We drive to the restaurant, Malia belting out the words to 'Trouble' by Taylor swift. I laugh and join in for the chorus.

I pull into the restaurant, she takes her feet off of the dashboard. I open the door for her and she smiles at me. A small blonde lady ushers us to a table next to the window. Malia looks around and smiles.

"Wow, it's so pretty." she grins at me.

I smile back at her "yeah, my mom used to take me here after school if my dad was working late."

She grabs my hand to comfort me, I guess she knows what it's like to talk about her parents. I smile at our hands but don't look at her.

She sighs. "Let's talk about something else, how was your day?"

I laugh at her question.

"What's so funny?" she asks in a defensive tone.

"You were with me all day." I smirk

"No I wasn't."

I raise an eyebrow at her.

"You went to the toilet." she shrugs sipping the water the waitress handed to her.

I burst into another fit of laughter, earning some looks from the tables near to us.

"You waited outside the toilet for me." I say trying to catch my breath

Her cheeks turn ruby red.

"Oh yeah."

I laugh again.

"Stop laughing at me, idiot." she whacks me with her menu, a playful smile playing on her lips.

"Oh I'm the idiot?"

"Yes, yes you are."

My phone goes off, causing Malia to jump up in surprise. I answer it without looking at the caller ID


"Stiles?" Alison's voice comes through the speaker, she sounds panicked.

"Yeah?" I ask concerned

"Come to Scott's quick, we cracked the first section of the deadpool." The line clicks dead.

I stare at the phone, then at Malia

"What's going on?" she asks.

"They cracked the deadpool."

She jumps up grabbing her bag and my hand.

"Let's go then."

I put $20 on the table for our drinks and let Malia drag me out of the restaurant.


I scan the list for my name and find it, but it's not my name.

"Malia Hale?" I choke out gripping Stiles's arm for support. "My name is Malia hale?"

"Hale?" Stiles asks angrily turning to Scott. "Hale as in Peter hale? The psychopath who tried to kill us! That hale?"

No one says anything

"Well?" Stiles demands. "Care to explain?"

"We don't know anything." Lydia speaks up.

They all turn to look at me...

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