Chapter 6 ~ Hidden Memories

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Picture of Kira


The sound of dads alarm blazes in my ears.

"Dad!" I shout, covering my head with a pillow. "Turn it off!"

The alarm doesn't stop. "Dad! Turn the freaking alarm off"

It doesn't stop, I roll over and check my phone 7:50. SHIT! I only have like thirty muinuits to get ready! Dads alarm is still blazing. I walk into his room and find him sprawled out on his bed.

"Dad!" I shout lightly shaking him.

he doesnt move, I shake him harder.

"Dad! its time to wake up."

I grab a pillow and raise it high above my head.


I drop the pillow and run my fingers through my hair, trying to look casual.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing dad how about you?"


"I can see that."

"Yeah, not that I don't love you, but why are you here?"

"Dad, its almost 8:00."

"Yeah, I don't have work today."

"Oh, ok. Ummm, I'll let you sleep."

"Yes, please do."

I take a shower and get dressed, its 8:10.

I text Malia:

S: Hey, its me. im not gonna be able to pick you up I over slept

M: its okay don't worry about it, ill get a ride from Scott. ❤️

S: sorry again, see you at school x

M: see you soon xx

I grab my keys, and drive to school.


Scott runs down the stairs with his hair messy and only one shoe on. "Hurry up!" I screech. "We're gonna be late!"

"No were not!" he replys, halfway trough tying his laces. "Stop panicking its only 8:15"

"Exactly! Homeroom starts at 8:30"

"Don't worry! I will get you to school on time, I promise."

I sigh and sit on the counter, playing with Scott's keys.

"What's wrong?" He asks, concern evident on his face.

"Nothing, don't worry."

He watches me carefully for a few seconds and bites his lip, but doesn't ask me anything else.

"Okay," he stands up. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yep." I toss him the keys.

*in car*

I sing along to Katy Perry's 'Firework' at the top of my lungs.

We drive past a sign that I recognise and my vision goes black.


"There's a full moon tonight."  Dad says getting into the car.

My fingernails turn into claws, suddenly I'm standing over my
sisters dead body, sirens are sounding in the distance. I have blood all over my hands.

*End of flashback*

I open my eyes and scream.

"Shhh, Malia your okay." Scott takes my hands and peels them of of my eyes.

I look up at him.

"Oh my god!" Scott shouts staring at me with wide eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"Your eyes, they're- they're blue!"


I walk into home-room at 8:22, I look around. Lydia and Kira are standing in a corner having a hushed conversation and Allison is sitting on my desk, weird.

"Hey Allison..."  I say walking over to her.

"Hey, is there something going on?" she asks.

"What do you mean?"

"You know, something supernatural? Like the reason Scott isn't here."

I didn't even notice Scott was missing. "Not as far as I know. Umm, Do you know where Malia is?" I ask looking around the room and trying to find her.

"No, I tried texting her and Scott but neither of them are replying."

"Oh okay, thanks."

I pull out my phone and text Scott.

Stiles: Dude where are you?

He doesn't reply, i put my phone back in my pocket and sigh. the bell goes I sit down and my phone buzzes.

Scott: Stiles?

Stiles: yeah

Scott: Malia's a werewolf

Stiles: WHAT?!?!?!?

Scott: I'll explain when you get here

Stiles: get where?

Scott: my house... Duh😋😂❤️

Stiles: be there soon bud 🙄😏❤️

I look around. Mrs Carter isn't hear yet. I grab my bag and leave texting Kira.

S: if Miss asks I was never in ✨

K: okay, why? R u ok? 😟

S: I'll explain later, I promise. 😌✨❣

K: okay, where are you going?❣✨

S: I'll tell you everything later😂 Patience young padawan 😏❣

K: 🙄 your such a geek😂❣

S: you love me anyway😋😌

K: whatever helps you sleep at night😉😑

*at Scotts*

I park in scotts drive and nock on the door; he opens it, he has a few scratches on his face and hands.

"Hey." Scott starts.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, but malia..." he trails off.

"Where is she?" I demand.

"Don't worry she's okay now, just a bit shaken up."

"Can I see her?"

"Yeah, of course. She's in the living room."

I run into the living room and see her curled up on the sofa.

"Malia?" I ask cautiously.

She turns to look at me. Her hair is messy and her make-up is smudged, but that's not what catches my attention; her usually caramel eyes are a piercing ocean blue...

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