Chapter 21- Check The Back

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Read A/N at the bottom, it's important X



Me and Mal have been driving for about 4 hours straight, well Ive been driving she's been sleeping, without our phones, without food, without water and with 2 quarters.

Basically, we're screwed.

It's amazing our gas had lasted this long, we (I) just pulled into target's parking lot, and we just ran out of gas...

Mal jumps up from her seat hitting her head on the window of Derek's car.

"Stiles what the hell!? I was sleeping."

"I know sorry, out of gas." I say avoiding eye contact

"What's going on with you?" How did she know something was up?

I mentally slap myself, she's your girlfriend dumbass of course she knew.

"Nothing," I lie and she gives me one of those *you better start talking* looks so I carry on. "I'm just worried is all, where are we gonna go." She looks sceptical so I expect her to tell me that she doesn't believe me, apparently she does.

"We're going to go somewhere safe until the full moon and then we're gonna go home."

I nod my head and she gives me a weak smile entwining our fingers.

"But," she starts and I look up at her "what are we gonna do about that?" She points to the empty gas monitor

"I have no idea."

She sighs "there's a gas station about a mile up the highway, think it'll last that long?"

"Not really." I reply vaguely

She notices but doesn't say anything.

Her eyes widen "Stiles! Did we even bring any cash?"

I mimic her expression, she takes it as a no.

"WELL WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE GONNA DO NOW?!" She screams which comes as a shock to us both because Malia Hail rarely screams and almost never curses.

She takes in a deep breath and let's go of my hand.

"Sorry, what are we gonna do now?" She asks again.

I look around and notice a phone booth, I sigh in relief. "Here," I place a quarter into her hand "use that to call Melissa and I'll use this to call my dad, when your done."

"I don't see how using the only cash we have to call people is going to help."

"I have my debit card, it's got no cash o it. Only my dad can put the money on."

"Okay. Melissa?."

"She's probably worried sick about you and maybe she could call our nearest hospital and get them to give us some meds or something, I don't know. Just call her."

She nods and jumps out the car heading towards the phone booth.

"Are you sure this thing will work?" She calls when she's a few feet in front of the machine "its ancient." She inspects it further.

"We have to try." She nods popping the quarter into the slot and dialling Melissa.

I sit waiting patiently for Mal to finish her conversation

She comes back with a small smile playing at her lips

"What did she say?" I ask softly noticing that the small smile was a sad one.

She sighs "At first she was angry. That we left without saying goodbye but I told her why and she calmed down. Then she asked me when We were coming back and I told her I after the full moon."

She bites her lip before continuing "she then asked me what we were gonna do when we got back, I told her I didn't know and she told me that if She has to, she'll put up with another month of not seeing me."

She smiles "she also told me she would help however she could."

"That's nice," I respond softly subconsciously rubbing circles on her shoulder. I don't notice until she drops her head onto the seat and let's out a shaky breath.

"Oh, sorry." I pull my hand away.

"No, don't stop." She pouts and I chuckle.

She turns so her back is facing me and I start messaging her shoulders.

"Your muscles are really tight." I comment

"Well if you haven't noticed I've been a little stressed lately."

This goes on for a few more minutes. A few minutes of me thinking.

"Hey," I start, she turns to looks at me

"I think Derek was saying something about how he always keeps an emergency stash of weapons in the back, maybe there'll be something in there."

She nods opening her door as I open the boot.

"Damn," I mutter to myself, "I still need to call my dad."

"Stiles!" Malia calls from the back of the truck "you need to see this."

I open the door and jog to the back of the car. What I see makes my eyes widen 10 sizes.

A dead, Peter Hail.


DUN Dun dun

So I won't waist time I'll just get to the important part:

If I were to write a story that wasn't related to teen wolf or any show. Would any of you read it?

And don't worry because it wouldn't mean that I wouldn't update B.H.H.S.

It's just something I've been wanting to do for a while so vote if u think I should.

Important part over so now:

Q1: favourite season?

Autumn, I love the fashion and the drinks and just everything, winters a close second though.

Q2: biggest pet hate?

When people say my name and then do t carry on there sentence like wtf! Do you won't to ask me something or nah?

Q3: what's your wallpaper?

My lock screen is Payton Meyer my home screen is Paul Wesley, I have no shame!

Anyway lovlies.

As always, I hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading.

-Scarlett Xx

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