Chapter 15 ~ Denial

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Thanks to chihuahualover345 for all your votes and comments 😋💖

Aloha, it's been a while
So I was originally going to post this chapter when the previous chapter got to 10 votes. But, it's at 9 and that's close enough. A lot of you were upset with how it ended so here it is, chapter 15❤️

I would also just like to say a huge thank you to all of you who take the time to read vote and even comment on this story. Originally when I started writing it I never thought it would be as successful as it is now. But here we are with over 200 votes and that may not seam like a lot to some people but it does to me. So thank you to all of you.

Scotts POV:

It's been a week since malia and stiles broke up. So much has happened good things bad thing weird things. Just so much.

1st stiles is acting strange, I mean if his past breakup experiences have taught us anything he should be crying his eyes out. But he's not, he's acting normal.

Every time I mention it to him he just smiles and tells me he's ok. Like WTF how is he ok?!

2nd: Derricks back, he got here late last night claiming he wanted to meet his cousin, something makes me think that isn't really why he's back. When he came I told him malia was asleep so he couldn't see her.

That's the 3rd problem: Malia she has a new 'boyfriend' she won't admit that that's what he is but we all know it even styles. His name is Harry but I like to call him the distraction. 

A nock on the door ends my train off thought.

"Hey bud it's me." He says

I open the door for him.

"Hey stiles how are ya?" I ask anticipating an honest answer, I don't get one.

"good! Really good." He says overly chirpy, all things considered.

"Ok, why?" I ask eyebrows creased. When is he gonna stop lying?

"Today's the day I get malia back."

The second I hear that sentence it all clicks. Styles doesn't care about  the breakup because he hasn't excepted it.

I think back to his first ever breakup, a girl named Carley, 8th grade. He was only with her in an attempt to make Lydia jealous but as he spent time with her he grew to like her, love her even.

When they broke up we all expected him to be heartbroken but he wasn't, because he'd convinced himself that he was going to get her back!

There were 5 stages:

1: convinced himself he was getting her back.

2: tried to move on with other girls.

3 accepted that he couldn't move on.

4: depression over breakup.

5: actually moving on.  

"We need to talk." I say harshly pushing him inside.

"Ok abou- ahh owe Scott!" I cut him of grappling his hair and pulling him up the stairs.

I throw him into my room.

"Owe! What was that for?" He asks defensively."

I don't reply, instead I explain my theory about Carley and the 5 stages and about how he was doing the same thing with Malia. When I finish, all he says is:

"Wow." He states expressionless

"I know bud I'm so-" he cuts me off

"I can't believe you don't think I can get her back." This time he doesn't look defensive, he looks disappointed.

"Stiles that not w-" I start but he stops me again.

"No Scott it's fine I came here for your help but I guess I don't need it. And maybe your right, maybe I can't get her back but I have to try! I love her Scott." With that he walks out of my room and I wince at the sound of the front door slamming.

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