{4} - The Fight For Fire

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Desire was made for everyone

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Desire was made for everyone.

It's an emotion you can't control, it has no boundary. Desire though, is a powerful thing. Fall into its trap and you'll become its victim for life; sucked in its shadow never to be seen again.

It was a thought at the back of my mind, but it turned out to be true. As soon as the door shut behind me, the dim red lights faded in, giving me the perfect view of the danger that dared to challenge me.

Sitting in the armchair was the man I had met earlier, not verbally, but only physically. His legs are spread open as an invitation to join him and his arms are stretched out on either side.

A part of me felt enraged to see him after our 'encounter' during my show, but a darker part of me relished in the way I would destroy him tonight. Tease him until he is right on his tippy toes, about to fall off the edge. But before that would happen, I'd leave; and let him bask in his glorious torture.

From one look, I can tell that he isn't from here. He sits with confidence radiating off him and his eyes watch me like a hawk; it's enough of a warning to make sirens blare in my head and bring my guards up.

The scent of tobacco intoxicates my nostrils and I see the transparent smoke leave his mouth as he checks me out head to toe. He takes a good thirty seconds feasting his eyes upon me before he asks, " Name?" His deep voice resounds against the walls, so dark it holds so much power.

I give him the tiniest of smiles before I start stalking towards him while I reply, " Sarah."

Once I am standing right in-front of him, I grab his shoulders and lean down, purposely giving him a view of my cleavage. I'm pretty sure he expected me to kiss him, but instead I swiftly grab the cigarette from his fingers and place it in my mouth, inhaling the toxins before I blow it out on his face all while he watched me carefully, " And do you have a name, boy?"

Seeing him from this close, I could now see that his eyes were grey in colour, like they were reflecting the moon, except that his eyes held no life in them.

His eyes turn a shade darker at my words, raising his eyebrows as a deep, baritone chuckle came from him," There is a big difference between a man and a boy, Sarah." He says, matter of factly.

I hum, memorising his features and mapping him out in my head as I raise my knee and place it right in the middle of his legs, grazing his dick purposely as I reply, " I know." He glances down at my knee so close to his dick for a second, before raising his gaze back to my own eyes. He felt challenged, but he didn't show it.

I can feel the way his dick wakes up again and grows hard. It's a temptation to look, but I won't make that same mistake again.

I bring my knee back down and circle around his chair until I'm behind him, tugging on his hair lightly to pull his head back a bit when I lean down to ask him once more, " So are you going to give me a name or would you like to be referred to as a boy?"

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