{12} - The Siren Song

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In the arms of mama, I know that no harm will ever come to me

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In the arms of mama, I know that no harm will ever come to me. Her soft, angelic voice calms me down whenever I hear it. And if it was possible, I would willingly drown in her voice.

Mama looks at me just as I think that, giving me a small smile before she ends the story, "And Snow White realised that no matter what happened, she would always fight for love. She would grow up to teach her kids the same, always telling them to follow their heart and find the true love within. The end."

Mama closes the storybook and sets it on the bedside table.

I can still feel her soft smile as she pulls me in closer, burying my face in her neck as she cuddles me.

I sigh into her soft embrace, knowing I should be feeling sleepy now, but I don't. I'm wide awake and I want to do something.

I call mama and she hums, signalling me to continue. " Can we please go watch TV?" I ask, pulling away so I can show her the best smile I can make.

Mama sighs and taps my cheeks as she kisses me on the forehead, " You know it is dangerous, malaika." Mama warns as she continues to tap me on the cheek, " It's almost dark hour, everyone needs to stay in their rooms, or else-"

I cut mama off before she can even finish her sentence, " Or else, our families get hurt."

I nod my head and sigh sadly, the dark hour has always scared me.

That is one of the few things mama is very strict about, I'm not allowed outside my room after dark hour starts. And I'm only allowed to go out again when mama comes to get me in the morning.

Mama gets off the bed and fluffs my pillows before tucking me into bed, pushing the little strands of hair out of my face before she leans down to kiss me on the forehead, " I love you, my little flower." She says, looking at me with bright eyes as she kisses me once more.

" I love you more, mama." I remind her just as she gets up.

She turns on the bedside lamp and walks to my room door, looking at me once again with a smile on her face as she says " Good night, baby."

I return the statement and watch as she leaves my room to go back into hers before the dark hour begins.

So that none of us would get hurt.

So that none of us would get hurt

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