{6} - The Lurking Danger 🔥

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Danger is just like lust

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Danger is just like lust.

It's addictive.

The adrenaline rush of danger being close to you is like a high you can never experience with drugs. And I will always chase this sort of high.

It's very unique if you think about it. Danger can come in all forms, a beautiful butterfly, a delicate flower, or sometimes even a charming person.

You could walk past someone on the street and not know that you were just inches away from a serial killer. The best thing about danger is that it always comes in the most unexpected forms which adds the extra thrill I love.

The girl underneath me right now doesn't even realise what sort of dangerous beast she is messing with. The only thing in her head right now is the pleasure I am making her feel.

I'm used to strippers like her throwing themselves at me, submitting to me and obliging to my every demand. But this one, Sarah, she is different from the rest.

I've always loved a good challenge so when power so dangerous radiates off Sarah's body, it gives me determination to make this woman eventually submit to me. She pants heavily on the bed, but refuses to give me the satisfaction of hearing her moan; it won't take long until she'll break.

Her thick thighs suffocate me as I eat her out, tease her to the brim of explosion but never let her have more. Her back arches off the bed, hands tangled in my hair and practically grinding on my mouth to find the release she so desperately wants but won't ask or beg for.

If I had any mercy in me, maybe I would let her have it the way she wants. But the way she throws profanities at me in anger tells me she is used to getting things her way all the time, so I break that streak and don't let her control anything.

In her delusional little head, she probably thinks she is the controller here, but I guess she is going to get a reality check soon.

She pushes my head deeper into her and grinds her hips down on my tongue trying to do anything she could possibly do but I don't budge. " Fuck you," She spits out impatiently and I grin because this anger is exactly what I'm looking for.

The last thing I would've expected is for her to take me by surprise which is exactly what she does when she flips me over.

I'm the one underneath her now and she doesn't even wait before she sinks herself onto my hard dick. We both cry out loud in sync after finally finding the satisfaction after all that pent up frustration.

My heart beats in my ears because of how fucking fast it's racing. I'm almost worried I might get a heart attack right here and now and all because of this woman.

Her thighs are trembling just the slightest as she rocks herself up and down my length, and I let her. I let her enjoy the control she possesses while I pinch her nipples, eliciting a choked cry out of her.

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