{8} - The Artist

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I'm not a merciful person

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I'm not a merciful person.

I think that much has been established in this world. I don't give mercy to any being, I don't listen to their pleas and begs.

Instead, I kill.

It's a way of living that has been formed for me, it's the one thing that drives my darkness away. I inflict pain on others, it's what brings joy to me - the only satisfaction I can ever feel.

Torturing victims for hours until they are practically begging to be killed already. The satisfying rip of skin when I slide the sharp knife against their flesh to open their wounds, letting the blood out from the inside. The screams that they let out are like music to my ears, something I enjoy listening to.

Either way, even if the shadow didn't exist - it's part of my job to kill. People from my world shake when they hear of my name, how merciless I am and how I make them beg for me to grant them the wish of death - only that I always leave them on the brim of it until it is their own body that decides that it can't handle more pain.

Darkness is what surrounds me and there is no light strong enough inside me that can resist the joy the dark provides. The only joy I can feel. The thought of torturing the guy in-front of me is enough to get the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

In-front of me lies Juan, the person I've been chasing for a week. It's impressive he managed to run from me for longer than two days, it took a whole team to figure out where he was and how we'd be able to catch him.

He is the only one that can give me the information I need, all the details about Lucio - which is the person that has been hiding in the shadows for far too long - someone that I need to find.

And right next to him lies Sarah, who's wrists are tied tightly with ropes that her hands are turning a little pale from not getting enough blood and of course, a duct tape on her mouth and a blindfold covering her eyes.

It didn't take me long to figure out her location with the help of cameras, people who worked at that club and my team.


The memory of her underneath me was still engraved into my head. Never had I seen so much fire and fierceness in a woman's eyes before. And watching that fire get dimmer each time she lost her control to me was a pleasure I had never known I could feel before.

This fucking girl was trained, somehow. I couldn't figure it out, but every part of me knew that she would only cause more destruction in my world of doom.

Sarah would have almost killed me if not for Mario saving me and knocking her out. The bitch had taken one of my current most valuable pieces of information I had on Lucio, which only made me wonder, what made her want to steal the information from me? Was she working for him, or perhaps working for another organisation that wanted him dead?

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