{10} - The Forgotten Fears

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Fear can come in many different forms

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Fear can come in many different forms.

Every soul experiences fear in their lifetime, it's the only thing that keeps the soul on edge.

An emotion so powerful that the deep black colour of it sinks into your soul, creeping into your beating heart every-time the emotion gets too powerful.

No matter how big or powerful, a soul can never run from its fear.

I have to admit, I should've been more prepared for facing Demir, but at the same time, he should've been more careful with me because he hasn't even gotten a glimpse of my power.

He holds my wrist tightly, the tip of the key only grazing his T-shirt but not allowing me to go further. He squeezes the point on my wrist so tightly that I can feel the blood flow being cut off.

His eyes hold such darkness that I feel ashamed to admit I was drawn to them for just a second. I was quick to snap out of it and quickly use my knee to kick him in the groin.

He doesn't see it coming and his grip on my wrist barely lightens for a fraction of a second, but it is enough for me to deliver a powerful punch to his gut and run as he lets go of my wrist.

I push past him and attempt to sprint down the hallway to the glass window, but I don't make it far. His body tackles me onto the ground, and his weight on top of me is enough to crush my breathing.

"Not so fast." His hand wraps around my throat from behind, and the pressure of his grip is already enough to have me gagging.

I use my arms and fling them back as I hit him hard on the temple. He lets out a small groan before he slams my head into the ground.

The darkness starts to creep into my vision and I try to keep my eyes open but the mere second I let the shadow creep into my vision, it was enough for him to force me on my feet and practically throw me into the room with the key in his hand.

I instantly fall onto the floor, wheezing as I get up and sprint towards the door. Just as my shoulder collides with the door, he shuts the door and the click of a lock is heard.

I use my shoulder and continue pounding against the door, but to no avail. "Let me out, asshole!" I scream at him, banging on the door as I realise what's about to happen.

He says nothing from the other side and the only thing I hear is the noise of his footsteps fading away.

I close my eyes and immediately start fidgeting with my hands. I'm left in pure darkness, and I can't see a single thing other than black.

There is no window that can give any light, nor is there any light switch that I can feel around the wall. I try not to panic and try to stay calm, counting numbers as I pace around the dark room.

But I can't help it when my breathing starts to pick up and my anxiety rushes towards me fast in the darkness. I bang on the doors with as much force as my fists can provide, my knuckles hurting and pulsing with pain, but I don't care. I can't stay here. Not in the dark.

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