{19} - The Foreboding Gift

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It was my favorite time of year. Mama would do everything to make me feel like a princess, spoil and cherish me extra on those days.

But it's not the same anymore.

The once bright days filled with gifts are now gloomy nights filled with more terror, the wishes I once used to get are now chastises and the Mama I once had is not here anymore.

I used to always dream of turning the same double digits, I was now eleven, but felt much older. What makes this day a bit special is that Papa says he has a gift for me, demanding my presence immediately. I can't remember the last time I received a gift from Papa, which is why I'm so intrigued as to what he has for me.

Maybe he might put my suffering to an end.

One of the maids has been getting me ready, stripping me of my usual white gown into some sort of garment she calls a bra.

It's pretty.

It's red with some sort of lace design, and a matching underwear goes with it. The maid tells me how since I started my menstruation, I needed to start wearing a bra.

I didn't understand why I had to bleed for a whole week every month, was this a sign of death? No one told me, just that I would get it on a cycle basis and that it's called a menstruation cycle. 

Both the bra and underwear are a deep, bold red. I can't remember the last time I wore anything other than white which is why the bright colour catches my eye immediately. It makes me feel so..pretty.

The maids don't speak much to me, they never do, I assume they aren't allowed. They silently escort me to the place my Papa has demanded to see me.

I look down at myself as I walk, never casting my eyes anywhere other than the floor. I look at myself and see how the red looks so bright against the complexion of my skin, it's so bright that even the dark purple bruises don't look too bad.

My hair cascades down my shoulders, in some sort of wavy pattern. It's the first time I've ever received such treatment like this. New clothes, new hair, and new feelings.

When the familiar sounds of knocking echo and the gruff voice of my Papa follows, I'm pushed inside the room and immediately feel his presence, and his eyes on me.

" Down."

I immediately fall to my knees and keep my gaze down. My heartbeat picks up in his presence and I feel the tension constrict my throat. It gets harder to breathe in the deafening silence in a room with only him.

I don't expect him to wish me a happy birthday, and he doesn't.

" I have a gift for you." He breaks the silence. I keep my gaze on my lap, not speaking or looking his way unless I am told to. " A new chapter of your life will now start."

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