{5} - The Predators 🔥

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There are two types of people in this world, the controller and the controlled

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There are two types of people in this world, the controller and the controlled.

And I was the controller.

Without the two types, the world wasn't complete. If there were no leaders, there could be no followers. One needed the other in order to function.

I wanted every ounce of control I could get and fight for. Even when I wanted to fuck him, I had to hold back because I wasn't going to give in to him. His dick was suffocating against his slacks, standing so painfully hard but that didn't stop me.

I held onto the arm rest tighter as I rolled my hips against him and repeated that action a few times more before I finally made him lose a fraction of his control when he groaned softly. It couldn't have been more than a whisper but I still heard it and smirked, knowing that I was having the upper hand.

I purposely pushed my breasts against his face and found satisfaction in the way his knuckles turned white from self restraint. It was a pleasure no dick could ever give me.

Our little game of no touching was slowly breaking apart. Now we were just grinding against each other, seeing who will lose their shit first. But as of right now, both of us were too stubborn to admit defeat.

It's almost embarrassing the way I feel my lower stomach tighten just the slightest, indicating a building orgasm; a feeling I haven't felt in so long that my body almost thanks it for a second.

I know some sort of demon has possessed me because it's not like me to behave this way. It's not like me to be so close to danger and want to get even closer.

At first, I was just doing this to tease him. But I found my own body lifting on it's own accord to seek more of him, and then I am rocking my hips against his; completely forgetting that I am supposed to be playing a game here.

When he lets out another groan, I have to smirk, " Don't tell me you're about to come, that was barely 2 minutes." He takes me by surprise when he pushes his hips off the chair and matches my thrusts, purposely angling so he bumps my clothed clit every time.

I have to bite the inside of my cheeks to stop a sound from escaping because it just feels too good. " Don't pretend like you aren't soaked yourself, I can fucking smell your arousal."

It's pathetic how I feel myself on the brink of an orgasm just from dry humping him, I know I will be soaking up in embarrassment after all of this is over but for now I can't dare to think this through because every precaution leaves my mind when he grabs my ass from behind, rocking me into him.

I should have told him to stop, I should have slapped him, I should have felt uncomfortable; but instead I threw my head back and let out a gasp. His groan follows my gasp and I can't help but replay that sweet sound in my head on repeat.

I know this mistake of giving into temptation will kick me in the ass later.

The darker part of me wonders if his screams will also be this sweet if he was getting killed.

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