{13} - The Lost Bird

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Nothing in this world ever comes easy

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Nothing in this world ever comes easy.

No matter what it is, power and money can only get you so far. But there is always something deep in your soul you desire, but don't have.

And there is a reason for this.

That reason is, if humans got everything they desired, there would be no balance left. Humans would have nothing to fight for, they would simply cave and die.

But when there are things that you can't have in your grasp, you are willing to fight to earn the sense of victory.

But once that fight is over, a new one will start.

That's just the circle of life.

I walk towards the convenience store with my head held up high, my goal set on what I need to do.

As soon as I open the door and walk through, the bell chimes and the old man looks up from his newspaper to glance at me.

I hold the eye contact we make for a few seconds before sending a small smile his way, he practically blushes on spot.

Just like a normal customer, I walk through the aisles and grab some of the things I really do need.

First thing I grab is two bottles of water because all that driving and energy consumption has left me thirsty.

I continue onto the next aisle where I grab a couple energy bars and a pack of gum, and just as I'm about to head to the cashier, I spot a small section of clothes.

I figure I really could change out of this flight attendant uniform so I grab a black tank top and leggings, the selection of clothing was limited so I had to pick out something that would allow free movement while also being comfortable.

I can tell when I make my way to the cashier that the man had been waiting for me, a grin on his face as I approached.

Men are always so easy to control, at this point it's getting boring. As he is clicking away on the calculator to calculate my bill, he says, " What's a pretty lady like you doing out here?"

I have to hold back the need to gag and instead plaster a blushing smile on my face, " Just on a road trip and happened to run out of gas."

I prop my elbows on the counter, not ignoring the way his eyes immediately dip to my now pressed up cleavage, I watch as he swallows and fumbles over his calculations so he starts over again.

I glance at his name tag and it reads 'Fred'. He's shorter than me by a foot and has a huge bald spot on his head, his hair is white and thin while he is dressed in a baggy shirt tucked into his pants the whole way through which honestly, I find hilarious.

" You enjoying the ride?" He asks, this time keeping his eyes on the calculator but he still seems to be struggling as he keeps clicking the wrong buttons.

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