{14} - The Dark Unity

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Every soul tastes death

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Every soul tastes death.

It won't matter how many sins or how many good deeds you've committed, every soul will eventually taste death.

No matter how fast you run away from it, or how long you prolong it, every human who ever walked on this earth will feel the darkest pain to ever exist, the feeling of your soul being ripped away from your body.

It's the very reason I have never been scared of death. Those who realise it themselves are those who are the strongest in life.

Why live life in fear when the inevitable will happen anyways?

People who are like me, who have learnt to accept the dark truth are those who have changed their perspective on life.

They've chosen to tell death to fear them instead, because once death does come for them, it won't be able to feed off the fear.

Death will be powerless when faced with a human who holds dark power. That is the one and only secret of surviving this life.

Sitting here in the room Demir locked me in, I only wonder if my time has come and how maybe I might be meeting death soon.

This time though, there is light in the room. There are no windows, just ceiling vents and a door that is made of steel which of course, is locked.

I can't tell how long it's been since Demir practically threw me in here. I had put up a fight when he pulled me out of the car and started dragging me here but I couldn't do much with both my legs and hands restrained.

Now, the ropes around my wrist and ankles are so tight to the point the pain is numb to me. I couldn't stop myself from trying to get out of the restraints unconsciously.

It angers me how I've tried getting away from him twice, but failed both times. It's an insult to me and my abilities.

I realise now that it's truly going to be harder getting out of this mess, but I know I will be able to achieve it one way or the other. I always have.

Speaking of him, I know he's going to come in here when I hear footsteps approaching me from outside the door. Restrained or not, I was going to get him on his knees with a bullet through his skull soon enough.

He might be starting to think that I am just a weak person who thinks they are powerful, and it's fine by me if he wants to assume that about me.

That thinking will only bite him in the ass later when I manage to use his thoughts to my advantage.

When Demir enters the room, the tension immediately heightens. Electricity charges through the air with my anger directed at him.

I glare at him and stay silent, trying to keep my anger at bay. He doesn't have anyone by his side, just him. He's stupid to think he was going to walk out of here alive when it's just me and him in a room.

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