{17} - The Promised Cries 🔥

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The questions that surround us are endless

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The questions that surround us are endless.

It's torture itself for us all to sit silently with our unanswered questions roaming in the air while we wait to arrive back at our private suit.

Marcello remains unconscious and tied up with his powerless body on the van's floor.

It's almost mesmerising watching another powerful man fall into my grasp and be at my mercy. With his eyes shut, limbs tied and mouth gagged, he's the perfect image of fallen power.

Hearing him speak of Lucio and his plans had me feeling just how I was like years ago, my heartbeat speeding up by the thought of him.

And just the idea that he is now about to make a reappearance in this world after hiding since I left gives me the chills, because I know it's not going to be good.

Of course, the main priority right now is to get some more answers out of Marcello, get into more detail for Lucio's plans.

Ideas roam in my head for what this drug could possibly be and how powerful it is for it to be Lucio's reason to show his face again.

Our time goes by in silence and everyone just stares at Marcello's unconscious body, except for Mario who is watching something on his computer.

It's not long after that the van stops, when Alistor opens the back door of the van, I realise we are somewhere else.

It appears to be another open field with a big, broken warehouse in the centre of it. I don't understand it at first but then I realise they needed somewhere more convenient to torture Marcello.

Alistor quite literally starts to drag Marcello off the van and then into the warehouse, I follow right after him.

The air is much more chilly out here and the night sky along with the bite of the cold only reminds me of those torturous winter nights, out all alone.

When we enter the warehouse, it looks completely different than from the outside. Inside, the whole place is well furnished and has a comfy vibe to it while from the outside it looks completely abandoned. I assume it's one of Demir's hideouts.

" Your room is upstairs, last door on the left." Demir speaks from behind me. I look back to see him locking the main door and taking a gun out of his boots.

I can still feel his eyes trained on me as I make my way up the wooden stairs that creak under my weight.

I follow his words and turn to the left hallway, making my way to the last door.

When I open it, I find all my belongings that I had left in my hotel room right on top of the bed. He probably had someone move everything out here for us.

First thing I do is make my way to the bathroom and remove all the prosthetics and makeup I have on my face, along with the wig on my head.

I find an oversized shirt in the closet and strip my dress off before putting that on instead so that I don't create a mess when washing the makeup off of me.

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