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"We could do more fundraisers. Oh! And charity of course! We have to keep our good image." One of the board members suggested it to everyone.

"Fundraisers and charity won't help us bring hope to these people! It'll only give them all the more reason to rebel." Another said, led by the rest of the board members mumbling in agreement.

It then fell silent. Everyone was looking at her expectantly. "Well, Princess?" A man said, trying to obtain her attention.

"Yes, I think those are all great ideas." Zelda looked up smiling. "In fact, we'll start tomorrow, what does everyone think?"
They all looked at the princess, "But-"
"No, no, it's all fine. You all can work it out and revise, since you all get along so well!" She responsded, still smiling but her tone had changed slightly. She got up from her chair and fixed her dress, "If that's what will stop these attacks, then I'm all for it." Her tone now serious, the other members nodded. Zelda walked out of the room, Impaz waiting outside.

"Did you all come up with anything, darling?" The old woman asked Zelda, walking with her to the garden.
Zelda sighed,

"Not that I know of. I'm not cut out for this. I may as well just give my kingdom away." She said impulsively.
Impaz gasped, "Princess, no! It may all seem hopeless, but we can't give up."

She chuckled and hugged the petite old woman, "I'll try my best, ok?" She gave her a small smile. It was small, yet genuine.

"I believe in you." Impaz told her. "I must get back to my village, the Sky Book isn't going to give itself away." She waved to the princess, starting her journey back to Bygone.

   Zelda waved, sending a few guards to protect her. She was now alone in the garden of flowers, except for the knights in the corners, of course. The breeze blew and the trees moved to the slight wind.

Give away my kingdom to that bastard? What I was thinking? Zelda thought, scolding herself for ever thinking such a thing.

The attacks were getting worse, and more people had begun to rebel, they didn't feel protected, just as Zelda did. The was no sign of peace anytime soon. The hero incarnate was nowhere to be seen. Sleeping no doubt, but still, there was no hope left.
It's not like she could do anything. Is what she told herself.
The silence was then disrupted by knights shouting.


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