Chapter 7- Flower Bomb

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The three had set off on their journey, after helping Zelda she explained to them what had happened before she somehow traveled back in time. Leaving out any parts of Ganondorf.

"Wow! Such events. Must've been scary!" Fi said, listening intently.

Zelda nodded. She continued walking on, thinking about Ganondorf. She thought about the few moments leading up to his death. They were painful, to say the least. She didn't know what she was feeling, just overwhelming emotion. It was obvious she needed to get grip. She held back tears, but then she stopped, 'Why am I crying? For him? Never.' She sniffed, rubbing her eye with the back of her hand.

"Zelda. Zelda? Earth to Zelda." Link waved his hand in front of her face. "I was talking to you." He told her, slightly annoyed.

"What? Oh. I apologize." She said, not paying much attention.

"It's no problem!" Fi smiled.

"Fi, where are we headed?" Link asked her, taking his map out.

"Eldin Province. Shall I calculate your safety in such an area?"


"Roughly 30%. But when equipped with the appropiate armor, it goes up to 60%!"

"I see." Link sighed, thinking of how he was going to find the 'appropriate armor'. He loved Fi, she was practically his best friend by now, but was hardly any help when he truly needed it.


When they made it to Eldin Province, the first thing they got attacked by was Pyrup. A fire bug that hides in a hole. Link and Zelda had attempted to jump over the fire several times, but to no avail. They were now covered in ashes and their clothes were semi burnt. Not Link's for some reason, but Zelda's was.

Link grunted, "What the heck?!"

Zelda sighed, looking around. "Are those flowers?" She said, staring at them. "Odd." She mumbled. They looked more like bombs than anything. Bombs growing like flowers? She walked over to pick one of them up. It lit itself as soon as she picked it up. She inspected it, not thinking it would actually explode.

"Princess Zelda! Put that down!" Fi said, suddenly coming out of the Master Sword to warn her.

Before she could listen, the bomb exploded, sending her flying. Link ran over to her.

"Zelda! Fi! What's going on? Why is she transparent?!"

"I'm not sure. Perhaps she's being sent back to her own world." Fi said, watching her disappear with Link.

"What the..." Link muttered, in shock of what had just happened.


Zelda looked around for Link and Fi. Her surroundings, a forest.

"I sense you're from a different time, child."

Thinking of changing Fi's pronouns to They/Them. What do we think?

And sorry for the short chapter! The next one will be longer.

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