Chapter 1- Kingdom's Hope

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"Really? Oh my- oh my gosh! This is our first real not-a-drill!" One of the rookie knights exclaimed, nudging his buddy. "Come on, Jane!" He told the blonde girl next to him, both of them running off to check out the disturbance.

Zelda sighed, walking calmly to the front gates, facing Ganon and fiends. "Welcome!" She said, forcing a smile.

Ganon simply looked at her, unfazed. "Princess Zelda. You seem so prepared." He chuckled, but his expression never changed.

"Well, darling, it's not like you come and do one of your little ambushes every...what, week? I was practically waiting to feast with you." Zelda responded. It was clear as day she was irritated with the Gerudo man.

"Oh. You were?" He smirked, walking forward. The guards stepped in front of Zelda, shielding her from every direction. "Seems you're scared of me." He frowned.

"Scared of you? Never. Scared for you, is more like it."

"If you think that...what's it called again?...Odon-"


"Right. If you think that sword will scare me, you're incredibly mistaken." Ganon shrugged.

"Hehe...YEAH! PRINCESS SNOTDA!!" One of his goons yelled out abruptly, earning a glare from Ganon.

"Anyway, I came for this kingdom of yours." He said bluntly, getting straight to the point.

Zelda stared at him for a while, processing this. "N-"

"I'm sure my friend Zant will change your mind." Ganon walked off, taking all his people with him. Except for one.

"Hello!" He purred. "The amazing God Ganondorf is using me for his amazing work! I feel so honored." The person said, happily.

Zelda ordered her guards to step aside to see the new person in front of her. "What...what do you want?" Zelda asked.

"To take over the Light and Twilight realms, obviously. So. Here's the deal. The kingdom, or the people."

"Excuse me?"

"Oh...I'm sorry!" He cackled. "Let me clarify myself. A kingdom is nothing without the people in it, right? So unless you want an empty kingdom with bodies everywhere, you'll give it to me!" He smiled sadistically.

Zelda cringed at his terrifying smile. "Stand down." She simply said.

"Good girl! Now, get out of here."


"...Or would you like to be turned into an imp as well?"


"Go. Go, and never return, if you do, you know what awaits."

Zelda walked towards the gates, leaving Hyrule castle territory. Murmurs could be heard, coming from the townspeople.


"Do you see?" A voice said as she was riding her horse on a trail, she didn't know where it led. She wished she did.

"Who said that?" Zelda remained alert and aware, even when she left the castle.

"Hm." Ganondorf appeared, riding his horse alongside her. "Your people didn't know you gave the kingdom to the villian to spare their lives." He chuckled. "And their safety wasn't even guaranteed." He clicked his tongue.

"What?" She made her horse stop. "If that man or any of your worthless goons lays a hand on-"

"Calm down, Princess." He scoffed, now annoyed. "Zant is true to his word."

"Don't lie to me." She urged her horse to keep going, grabbing the reins.

"I am many things. A liar isn't one of them. If I was, how would people fear me then?"

"You expect me to believe that? What do you want anyway?" Zelda was done playing games.

"I'm glad you caught up." he smirked.

"Get to the point."

"Marry me."

"What?!" Zelda said, slightly flustered.

"If you really want your kingdom back, marry me."

"The hero will get my kingdom back." She scoffed, still pink.

"I see no hero. What do you say?

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