Chapter 4- Approval of the Kingdom

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After a few days, Zelda and Ganondorf decided to make the announcement of their marriage to the world.
"How exactly are we going to do this?" Zelda asked, getting on her horse.

"We're just going to tell them." He got on his horse and waited for her to go.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. Tell them and if they don't like it, that's fine."

"We need approval from the Kingdom!" Zelda scolded.

"No, we don't. You're going to be Queen soon."

"Which requires approval." Ganon simply scoffed.


"No. I do not approve of this." Queen Rutela said, shaking her head. "My husband would never and neither will I! His solution would probably be to withdraw the Zora Kingdom from Hyrule!" She spoke with no emotion.

"Queen Rutela, if you would just-"

"No, no, no!"

"Don't interrupt her." Ganon warned her.

The queen squealed at the sudden voice. "Ganondorf..." She muttered, half in fear and half in disgust. "I thought you were joking."

"No...I wasn't joking. I suppose Zant will be the king of Hyrule now. This was the only way." Zelda told her, pretending to be somewhat sad.

"Excuse me?! You can't leave that maniacal man as king!"

"Then approve of this marriage and all will be well." Ganon told her, trying to keep his face straight.

The queen thought for a moment. "I suppose I will approve. I will also warn the other Kingdom's to be aware of...this."

"Please do." Zelda smiled.

They left Zora's Domain, now heading to their next destination.

"That was impressive." Ganon said while he was feeding his horse, breaking the silence.


"You practically guilt tripped the woman." He laughed.

"No! This is different. It's persuasion." Zelda  said, getting defensive.

"Persuasion? Ok."

"What?" Zelda furrowed her eyebrows.


"Better be nothing."

"It is, except it isn't." He shrugged. Zelda scoffed, getting on her horse. "You know, I'm proud of you. You gave that lady a kick in the ass."

Zelda laughed at his choice of words, "Ok. Thanks, I guess." Ganon got on his horse and they began riding to Eldin.


"Eldin is called Eldin because of the light spirit, Eldin!"

"There were too many Eldins in that sentence." Ganondorf stated. "Eldin is actually called that because of its shape."

"What shape is called Eldin?"

Ganon stayed silent. "Fine! I'll ask for the approval thing and you'll ask why they call it Eldin."

"Why do I have to ask? You brought it up."

"I was just trying to educate you." He shrugged.

"Educate me? Seriously? Why don't you-"

Ganondorf laughed, "You just don't want to admit I'm right."

"I'm actually right, so, end of conversation."

"Whatever." Ganon chuckled.

"Let's change the subject, how about that? We can't be arguing about this for the next few days."

"We could."

Zelda glared at him, "Well, we shouldn't."

Suddenly, they saw another traveler coming towards them. He was wearing a green tunic and was wielding a sword, the Master Sword. Zelda glanced at him, then looked back at him in shock. "The hero..." She mumbled, Ganondorf didn't hear her.

"What was that?" Ganon asked, following her gaze. He was now shocked as well.

Zelda contemplated on whether or not to say anything. She could easily say, 'Hey there, hero! I have the guy you're looking for!' But something stopped her. A feeling. But of what? She asked herself. It couldn't end just like that. They rode past him.

"Why didn't you say anything?" He asked her distantly.

She hesitated. "I don't know."

"You were thinking about it."


Ganondorf was hurt, but she almost couldn't see it. "Why don't you call him back here, get it done and over with?"

"I don't know, ok?" Zelda said, her voice getting harsher with each word. "I guess I value your feelings. You don't want to die, I'll make it possible for as long as I can." She simply said.

Ganon remained silent. "You value my feelings?" He smirked. All hint of betrayal on his face had disappeared

Zelda groaned, "Ok. I shouldn't have that. Your head got bigger after I said that."

He chuckled, "It did." He admitted.

The sun setted and they found a place to camp. Now all was silent. Except for the howling of wolves, of course.

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