Chapter 12- Zelda saves...Zelda?

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"W-who are you?"

"I'm here to save you, woman!"

"But you're not Link! How can I trust you?"

"Fi can fend for me."

Hours earlier

"You can't be serious!" Link grumbled. "All of this. And we have to go back to Skyloft?!"

"Sky Keep." Fi corrected.

"It's the same! They all start with 'sky'!"

Perhaps Zelda was being a bit overdramatic. But this was the Hero of the Skies? It couldn't be. Maybe it was that he hadn't been sleeping ever since his Zelda got captured. It must have been that. All of the heroes had been known to sleep. Over sleep, really. And eat. Lots of eating.

Needless to say, the duo of Fi and Link got along well. Though, they did have some...disagreements here and there. Zelda understood. Fi gave information. But not nearly as much as they needed. They couldn't blame her. She was part sword.

"Fine. I'm done. Let's go save Zelda."

"Could have just said that ages ago!"

Zelda perked up as she heard this. "Great!Lead the way!"

"To the saving data bird I guess.." Link sighs as they go back through the entrance of the forest.

"Bird? You talk to birds?" Zelda inquired. It wasn't every day you woke up in a totally different time.

"No!" Fi grinned, clearly getting excited. "These birds revive Link!"


"It's a statue bird." Link elaborated. "It helps me not die die. It's like I just respawn. Like a video game."

Zelda still didn't get it, but chose not to ask any further.

"It can also send us back to Skyloft!" Fi said, still grinning. "The most excitement I've had since I was made."

Link chuckled. It was clear he had a good companionship with Fi. Despite their many disagreements. They had grown to become friends, more than anything. Zelda seemed to be filled with a sort of envy for the two. Just when they were starting to somewhat like each other...he died. She wasn't quite sure what she felt anymore. She didn't even have time to properly mourn his death. Even so, there was still a task at hand.

Link finally finished after pressing a few buttons. And then they evaporated.

Fi was still grinning. "So much fun! What did you think, Zelda?" She says, eager to know her opinion.

"It was certainly a blast!" Zelda smiled back at her.


"Fi, do you know where this temple is?.."

"We're going to have to take your loftwing!!" Now she was even more excited.

Zelda now was nervous. She knew what a loftwing was. It was in the hylian crest, after all. But of course. Of course she had to ride one. It was very different from riding a horse, that was for sure.

"I realize that. But where is it exactly?"

"You're gonna have to look for it. What can I say?"

"Where it is-" Before Link could finish talking, she disappeared into his sword.

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