Chapter 16- Lament

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Zelda waited.

She had already been there for hours. She waited for more time. Just there. She figured she hadn't played it right or something simply went wrong. She touched the grass she was sitting on. She heard the lake's water run. It was silent

She played it again several times. She rearranged the notes. She did everything possible she could do. In spite of this, she chose not to give in. She had a lot of time to think. What did she do wrong with the song? Or just maybe, why was she trying to revive him to begin with?

Wasn't he an evil guy? Not her eyes. At least not anymore. Had Impa lied to her about the harp? Maybe she was unsure about its powers.

The sun was starting to set. The sky was pink and yellow. Then, it eventually faded to a dark blue. Nothing.

Zelda huffed, playing the song once more. Did she love him? The thought suddenly came to her head. She laughed. No, never. He was likeable. Not that likeable.


Her vision started to blur. Tears? But she hadn't given up yet. She looked up at the sky, tears still rolling down her cheeks.

"This is ridiculous..." She mumbled. She had loved him. But how did this happen? How did it end up like this?

"It is."

Zelda turned her head. It was a knight.

"Queen Zelda, why are you here so late? Lady Impaz had been worried for you."

Zelda stayed silent, quickly composing herself.

The knight helped her up. Not that she couldn't get up on her own, she thought. He glanced at Ganondorf's dead body and grimaced. "Queen Zelda-"

"Please don't ask."

"Yes, your majesty..."

"We're taking him with us."

"What? But-"

"Don't question me." She said sternly, clearly not in the mood to deal with anyone at the moment.

"Yes. My apologies..."


"Dear, please don't cry..." Impaz said, trying to be sympathetic in the situation that she didn't quite understand. Falling in love with a terrorist? That certainly did not come with the guide book of raising a royal. If there was one, anyway.

"Thank you. Your help is appreciated. But I wish to be left alone." Zelda said carefully, as to not hurt the old woman's feelings. Her voice was shaky. What had she done wrong?

Impaz exited the room, closing the door behind her.

That was when Zelda broke down. She couldn't stand the pain. But that was odd. When did she fall in love with him? She'd never really know. And neither would Ganondorf.

Because he was dead.


I'm just great, aren't I? ;)

Anyways, thanks for reading!! You are appreciated!

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