Chapter 14- King Link

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"King Link! We should do another charity event."

"Another one?"


Impaz and Zelda watched from afar. "See? It's disastrous!"

"I realize that..." Zelda stared at the court surrounding Link. How did he become king, exactly?

"You disappeared. So the entire kingdom decided to give reign to the Hero of Twilight." Impaz explained. "He's a bit of a push-over..." She admitted, not very convinced he would make a good king.

"So, how do we fix this?" Zelda asked.

"Well...first, we need to get you changed. What happened to your clothes? They're all dirty."

"Right, right."

"Where did you go?"

"Long story. For another time."


"You look great! Now let's go get you your kingdom back!" Impaz smiled.

"How is this supposed to work?"

"I don't know. But it'll work out."

Zelda walked in, and pushed past all of the people in front of Link. They were all surprised, thinking she was dead.

"Can I talk to you in private?" Zelda said, ignoring literally everyone else.

"Yeah! Please." He looked relieved.

They went to a study, Link closing the door.

"You're alive!"

"Yes, I am." Zelda still had mixed feelings toward the hero. He was nice, but he had killed Ganondorf. She felt sort of...bad she even cared that he had died.

"Thank Hylia! I thought I was going to have to face this nightmare for the rest of my life!"

"Er...what are you talking about?"

"Well, can't I surrender my crown to you?"

It didn't need any convincing, and that was what shocked her the most. "You're...serious?"

"Yes. I've never planned so many charity events in my life! And don't even get me started on the finances right now!"

"Ok, ok. Please calm down. I'm sure we'll find a solution."

"Can't we just do that?"

"It takes time."

"Then we'll just announce it!"

"I don't think that would work."


It worked.

"I can go back to fishing now!" Link grinned.

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