Chapter 5- "Things happen"

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Weeks had gone by, attempting to gain all the kingdom's approval. So far, it had been successful. The only kingdom left was the hardest one: Hyrule. People were hard to convince, especially these ones.

They had finally made it back home. Well, Zelda's home anyway. "Princess- What is that?" One of the knights said, taken aback  by Ganon's presence.

"I am-"

"This is Ganondorf, my future husband, please treat him with respect." Zelda had already thought about what she was going to tell her people.

The guard simply looked at her - then at Ganon, "Princess, I can't let you in." She said, clearly terrified of...both of them. "Have you seen what that monster has done to our kingdom?" 

It was clear that Hyrule had been overtaken in some way, shape, or form. There were a lot more people on the streets due to taxes being raised, jobs had been lost, and protests had begun, worse than before in fact. Something was always ablaze, market stalls and houses. It was chaos, to say the least.

"But you can let me in." Ganon said, the guard almost flinched.

"I will ask if King Zant approves." She said, walking into the castle.

"I can't help but feel this was a mistake." Zelda told Ganon, looking down.

"You better bet it is." He replied with a smirk.

Zelda looked up and glared at him. "That was very helpful."

"Hey, I-"

"King Zant will see you now." The knight came back out, waiting to escort them into the castle.

They walked inside, the castle was gloomy and dark. It was quiet. But not the quiet Zelda knew. This was different. A much more sinister silence, the kind that drives anyone who wasn't already mad, well, mad.

Zant cackled when he saw Ganon, "Master! You would never believe-" He stopped smiling when he saw Zelda. "You..brought company I see." His voice echoed through the castle.

"Yes. This is how we will get rid of you."

"You could never! I have half of your power-" Zant said, trying to appear threatening.

"Only half." Ganon told him, starting to get a little annoyed with his ego.

"You can do a lot with half! Just check this out!" He smiled, getting off the throne and roaming around in front of them. "I have all of this!"

Ganon stayed quiet. "It's only a matter of time before the hero comes." He said to Zant, after a moment of hesitation. Zelda gasped softly, wondering what his words meant. She was confused, but when she looked at Ganon, he simply smiled.

Why...why did he smile? Zelda thought, making her even more confused.

"HA! Ok." Zant laughed at his inquiry. "Take them to the courtyard please. Might as well let them breathe a little before their execution. The knights grabbed both of them, taking them outside the castle.

"Do something!" Zelda whispered, not fighting the knights' grip.

"There's nothing I can do, Princess. These things happen." He shrugged. "This is what the future holds." He told her, winking.

The fortune teller.

The knights left them there. "Now's our chance! Let's get out of here." Zelda told Ganon.

He grabbed her wrist. "Let's just stay here."

Zelda searched his eyes, "You can't be serious!" He let go of her. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I'm serious."

A young man in a tunic walked out, looking around, acting as though he was in a cutscene. He looked at Ganon. "So you're the dude I have to defeat?"

"Uh...I guess." Ganon shrugged.

Then he looked at Zelda, "Woah! You're that chick that I just defeated! You were possessed. Are you his evil wife or something?" He said, scratching the back of his head. Zelda and Ganon exchanged looks. He was going to let him defeat him.

Realizing what he just said, "I'm not his wife!" She said out of instinct.

"She was about to be until you came along."

"Huh." The hero said, "Well, congrats. But I'm gonna have to ruin your wedding."


Ganondorf groaned during the battle, clearly losing. Zelda didn't know what to do, grab a stick?

"Stop!" She stood between both of them. They both looked at her in surprise.

"I'm almost done, I thought you were the princess of this kingdom." He said, confused as to which side she was on.


The hero ran behind her and stabbed his master sword in Ganon's stomach.  Zelda gasped, trying to help him up. "No, no! What have you done?!" She said, tears threatening to come down. She didn't know what she was doing, but she was doing it.

Ganon got up, the back of his hand flickering and glowing with the Triforce mark. "I'll be fine." He told her reassuringly.

"Will you?" A familiar voice rang. "You know, I may be stupid, but I'm not that stupid." Zant smiled. "I know that you'll always revive, Ganon. But without me, you could never."

Ganon's eyes widened, as if knowing what was going to happen next. With the master sword still inside of him, he tried to talk Zant out of it.

Zant sighed, "I never thought it would come to this." After that, Zant cracked his neck. Ganon's neck did as well, he fell to his knees. Zant smiled one last time before also falling to the ground.

Zelda watched Ganon fall, as though in slow motion.

"GANONDORF!" Tears fell down her cheeks, kneeling next to him. 

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