Chapter 6- Journey's Time

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"Princess Zelda?" A distorted voice said.

"Leave her." A man said, ignoring her inquiry.

"She looks injured in no way, other than emotionally. There's a 99.9% chance she'll wake up soon."

"What about the other 1% percent?!"

"She could die of sadness." The voice simply responded.

The other person sighed, "Ok then. Hey, lady...person. Wake up!" He gently shook her, hoping to wake her up.

"Her name is Zelda."

"How do you know that?"

"I'm only assuming. There's a 100% percent chance-"

"Ok! I get it." He shook her again, this time harder. She had finally woken up.
She got up slowly, "F-Fi?" She said shakily.

"Princess Zelda! You're finally awake! Master and I have been waiting for you to wake up!"

"I told you to call me Link." The man who now went by Link said.

"Of course Mas- Link! Anyway, would you like tea?"

"I would like to know what's going on."

"I am not sure myself. I see the future, but I never saw this happen."

Zelda stood up, "Is there another of me here?"

"Wait. Fi, what does she mean by that?"

"You're Link." Zelda looked at him.

"Yes?...How do you know my name?!"

"You're the hero incarnation!"

"What? No!...Wait, you lost me."

Zelda looked around, taking in her surroundings for the first time since waking up.

"You must be from a different time!" Fi said suddenly.

Link simply looked at Fi then looked back at the princess. "Are you?" He asked, eyeing her suspiciously. "You don't look anything like my Zelda."

"I'm a reincarnated version of her. She's the first Zelda Goddess Hylia incarnated into." Zelda thought for a moment. "Then...that means...are we in Skyloft?"

Link nodded, not knowing whether to trust her or not.

"Our Zelda has been taken by Demise! Maybe you could help us find her? Use your Goddess powers!" Fi said, encouraging yet demanding at the same time.

Link scoffed, "I'm the hero, aren't I? I need to save her, she's my best friend."

"I could help. Maybe I could get some answers, Ganondorf, he-" Zelda stopped herself from saying anymore. They couldn't possibly know who she was talking about, right? They weren't from her time, perhaps they didn't need to know about the marriage.

"Yes!" Fi responded, ignoring the last part that she didn't say.

Link, who was still wary of the idea, sighed, "I suppose you can come along and help us."

"Thank you." Zelda replied, smiling.

Link shrugged it off, "You're welcome. But you might want to change out of that clothes, it'll rip."

Fi conjured some clothes for Zelda, handing them to her. "This is exciting!" She said while leading Zelda to the bathroom to change.

"Why do you think she was sent here?" Fi asked Link while she was still changing.

"I don't know. But if it's for a bad reason, I won't hesitate to kill her."

Zelda heard this and figured she shouldn't do anything even relatively sketchy, or it would cost her head.


A/N: Italics +" " = Fi speaking

You probably knew but it could be kinda confusing! Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!

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