Chapter 13- Harp

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"We can send you back!" Fi says, though clearly still a bit unsure.

After being sucked up by light, they were transported into another realm. Still in this time, but in Skyloft. Where they met with Impa and-

"Groose?!" Link exclaimed upon seeing him there. Though I was narrating. That was rude.

"Link?! What's he doing here?" Groose turned to Impa.

"You both have important roles here. One more than the other, but still." Impa replied. "Zelda, my dear!" Impa went up to Zelda, which confused her a whole bunch.

"You've gotten taller! And your's darker. But it's very nice!"

" I'm not your Zelda. This one is."

"I'm still blonde, Impa..."

Impa stayed silent for a moment, taking her hands off the taller Zelda. "My apologies. That must have been...awkward. For us both."

"It's totally fine, ma'am..." Zelda realized her name sounded like Impaz. Except without the 'z'.

Impa then went up to the other Zelda and hugged her. "I'm so glad you're alright."

"Why is Groose here? What's his supposed role in all this?" Link asked Impa, not buying that Groose had anything to do with this. Much less Zelda.

"I see you've gotten feisty, eh?" Groose smirked, amused by him.

"Trauma does that to you."

"What? Couldn't handle the tongue man?"

"I'd like to see you try and rip-"

"Stop it. Both of you!" Impa said, letting go of the blonde girl and turning to face them. "Groose is here because he's choosing to make a sacrifice."

Link scoffed. How could Groose ever make a sacrifice if all he ever thought about was himself with Zelda?

"Yeah. I'm gonna help protect the realm." He said proudly, the smirk of amusement never leaving his face.

"That's great, Groose!" The blonde girl smiled. "Glad to see you've turned a corner."

"You bet!"

Impa turned to the other Zelda. "You said you needed help getting home, dear?"

"Yup! She needs help!" Fi grins, suddenly appearing again next to Zelda.

"Well, I'm sure we can fix that." Impa smiles. "Groose!"


"Bring the harp."


Soon after, Groose came back with a purple harp.

"This is the goddess's harp." Impa explained. "It's great at doing two things, taking one to it's original time, and bringing back the dead."

"Yes! I was hoping you would say that." Fi seemed excited by this particular artifact.

Impa began to play the harp, and everything went bright.


"Princess! Princess!"

"Impaz?...What- oh." Zelda got up from the bed she was laying on. It worked. She honestly wasn't expecting it to work, but since it did, she couldn't complain.

"Zelda! Where have you been? I was scared that man had done something to you!"

"The hero? No he didn't-"

"I was talking about Ganon."

"What? He didn't do anything to me either..."

"Thank Hylia!" For some reason, when Impaz said that, she heard Ganon's voice in her head. 'Don't say that name in my presence.' It was pretty funny.

"What's wrong? Hylia! I was so worried. I'm glad you're alright! But we have to fix some things..."

"Like what, exactly?"

She was expecting there to be fire everywhere. Or literally anything else. But when Impaz walked her to the throne room, there was Link. Surrounded by her court. He looked overwhelmed, to say the least.

"King Link! We should do another charity event."

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