Chapter 11- Stubborn

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"But Mas- Link! That's going to mess with the time, is it not?"

"Her just being here throws everything off."

"That would be worse though, having her do something actually major."

Since Link's suggestion, Fi had pulled him aside. She insisted they needed to talk and think about this, while Link thought otherwise.

"Think logically!"

"We're way past that."

"Think of the time and history! Two Zeldas? Bound to drive people insane!"

"Quit worrying so much."

"That's my job!"

Zelda was standing next to Machi. "Tough crowd, eh?" The big Kikiwi said, attempting at conversation.

Zelda stayed silent for a moment. "I'm not sure what you mean."

"It's a mess. How did you get here anyway?" Maichi looked at her, somewhat curious. This was how he made conversation apparently.

"Well...I'm not sure myself. One minute I was crying, and the next I was here."

"Crying? What for?"

She seems to take a minute to process this question. "Crying...did I say crying? I meant smiling. Complete opposite."

Maichi didn't look like he bought her response. "Oh. I see."

"Mas- Link!" Fi seemed stressed by her master's subbornness.

"Fi, if we ask Impa to send her back, it'll be like this never happened!" Despite her attempts, she knew Link was right. She was just as stubborn as he was.

It was quiet for a moment. Just a few seconds, by Hylia, was the best silence. Especially after their back and forth...conversation? Or discussion, more likely. No one converses as loud.

"Fine. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have some help..."

"Great! Let's go tell her."

"I'm aware of your decision." Zelda told him before he could say anything else.

Fi appeared next to Zelda. "This is certainly very exciting!" She gushed, she liked Zelda. But to be honest, she didn't like the idea of her possibly being in danger.

Zelda smiles at her. "Very exciting indeed."

It suddenly went silent again, there was tension, but at the same time...not so much.

There was tension. That's all there was. No trying to be friendly, at the very least. But it was also silent. All that could be heard was the wind and all the noises that had to do with outside nature. The birds chirped and water could be heard from the streams. Was this really tension?

"You've gone silent. What are you thinking about?" Ganondorf said, he was the only on attempting to make conversation. While Zelda, didn't seem to notice or just not acknowledge the tension.

"I'm thinking about how I will regret this."

"Seems you're already regretting it." He almost sounded hurt, but his tone was disguised with coldness.

"Not yet."

"I see." Silence came back, almost as cruelly as before.

"I apologize, I was thinking...something quite unpleasant."

"I can imagine." He says, a bit of disgust in his tone. "Listen, Zelda, I will not try to make conversation anymore if that's what you wish."

Zelda was silent. "I don't actually want that. I apologize if it came off wrong."

"I could care less what you wanted to come off as."

Zelda sighs, sensing he was hurt by what she had said. "I don't regret it, you know."

"Your actions speak otherwise."

"Hylia, you're so stubborn. Does it not matter how many times I have to apologize?"

"Do not say that name in my presence! Also, yes. I am aware of how stubborn I am."

Zelda doesn't respond, she now seems irritated.

"...I'm sorry."

"No need. It's fine."

A traveling merchant passed by, "You two talk rather loudly!" They grinned, clearly having been eavesdropping.

Ganon looked at him rather menacingly. The merchant seemed to be surprised, then a bit...terrified.

"Apologies. I didn't mean to interrupt". They chuckled nervously before making their horse go faster.

"Why did they just run off?" Ganondorf asked, seemingly a bit confused.

"Did you not see the way you looked at him?"

"I can't see my face."

Zelda chuckled, "That's true, yes..."


This is me realizing how long it takes me to write a chapter...oh well. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed! Love you all! See you in the graves! 💜

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