Chapter 18- Honor

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"You know, Zelda."

Zelda was a bit shocked. It was rare for Ganondorf not to call her 'Princess' in the most mocking way possible.


"When I die," He began with a bit of a smirk. For whatever reason, this sentence filled Zelda with a sense of dread. "I wouldn't want a fancy funeral."

"Why are we talking about this?"

"Does death scare the princess?" His smirk grew a bit.

Zelda was not amused. "Why are we talking about this?" She said, this time more insistent.

"I'm only making conversation." He shrugged. "You've gone silent. What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing in particular."

"You can only lie to me for so long, princess." There it was. His mocking tone was back.

"I'm not lying." Zelda said, gripping the reins a bit tighter. "And if you accuse me of such again-"

"Okay, okay." He laughed. "Calm down." He paused. "I have a feeling you still hate me."

"Who wouldn't? You quite literally are forcing me to marry you."

"It was not by force." He said, his tone now a bit annoyed. "I gave you a choice."

"A choice?!"

"Yes, I did."

"It was hardly a choice! It was either my kingdom or death!"

"But I gave it to you nonetheless."

The first few weeks hadn't been quite well. They had yet to get along, really.

"You are a monster."

"Thank you."

Silence fell upon them again.


"You can't ask for honor." Zelda told Ganon, slightly annoyed after a comment he had made about her kingdom.

"So I've heard."

"Have you? You have to earn honor. Have you earned it?"

"Not within my region. But within myself. I deserve honor. Yet I do not get it."

"My kingdom is honorable."

"Is it now? Then what is it with those people you call your court?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Charity event after charity event. That means nothing. If anything, it only makes the morale of the kingdom worse."

Zelda knew he was right. That was what she had thought. "I know."

"If you knew, you would be a leader and stop them, Zelda."

"Really now?"


"How?" She couldn't believe she was asking him for advice or input. But she couldn't believe she was doing a lot of things. This seemed no different.

"Say no. Be firm and suggest something else. Hell if I know."

"I can't believe I asked."

He smirked. "You only need a bit of guidance."

"From you?"

"Ouch." He grinned, clearly not bothered as much as he implied.

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