Chapter 9- Honorable Cause

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Zelda got into the water, it was freezing cold.

"You're doing great!" Machi said from the platform.

"Thanks..." She mumbled, not understanding how he convinced her to do this in the first place.

So now she was on her way to meet a water dragon. Now, that was off the rails. She couldn't tell if she was dreaming or not. This whole thing had been insane. She might have liked Ganondorf, she didn't know if this whole thing was for him or because of him.

An answer I would like to know. Zelda thought. How could someone fall in love with a person in a month? That's how long she was with him, and she didn't quite understand her feelings. No one did, really.

"Just...swim to the top! That's where the Great Deku Tree is!"

She nodded. Zelda took a breath and went under water. 'This was a bad idea...'


Ganondorf scoffed, "Don't act so surprised."

"You don't to swim? Bizarre, truly." Zelda chuckled.

"Laugh all you want. It doesn't change anything." He was clearly embarrassed.

"I'll definitely take you up on that." Zelda grinned, to which Ganon groaned. "My apologies. But if I may ask, why don't you?"

"Why don't I what?"

"Know how to swim, I mean."

"I grew up in a desert."

"And that...matters why? I mean, there's no water, but surely-"

"That's exactly why, yes. There was some water. I just...never felt it to be a skill of use." He explained, his grip tightening on the reigns.

"And why is that?"

He stayed silent. "You know the reason I became this way?" He spoke after a while.

Zelda didn't answer, as if waiting for him to speak again.

"Your people-"

"There you go again. Blaming us for all of your-"

"Let me finish."

Zelda sighed, not liking this conversation anymore. But let him continue.

"Your people attacked first. We had nothing, not even water might I add, yet you had it all. I was just trying to help my people. I was trying to save them. Hence...this marriage."

"...For your people?"


"You would...marry someone you don't love...for your people?"

"Wouldn't you?" Ganon laughed, "That was a rhetorical question."

"Yes, I realize that." Zelda smiled a bit. "It's an honorable cause."

"Thank you. Now, there is another reason."

"Oh? Please do tell."

"Well, Zelda, I-"

Their horses stopped at the gate of Gerudo. A woman shouted from above, "They have arrived! The princess had arrived!"

Zelda got off her horse. "You were saying?"

"No. Nothing." He got off of his horse as well. "A conversation for another time, Zelda."

"Of course...I understand."

"Good. I wasn't going to accept no for an answer anyway." He smiled.


Zelda came up from the water, her head poking out.

"So he actually sent someone? Hylia... I have my reasons. Go back and tell him that." A loud voice grumbled when they saw Zelda.

"What?" Zelda looked around, and finally looked behind her. A big blue dragon came out of a hole in a tree.

"And a woman no less...shameful. Why would he put you up to this, darling?"


"Yes, that is me! I flooded the forest, in case you were wondering."

"That much is obvious..."

"Come, child. Get out of the water. You must be cold."

Zelda got the platform that the dragon was on. "Thank you..."

"You are quite welcome, dear. Now tell me, why have you come?"


"I know quite well why you're here, believe it or not." The dragon looked like she had smiled...maybe.


"Yes! You want to unflood the forest. Well, my answer is no."

"But wait. You need to. The Kikwi are suffering because of your decsion." Zelda reasoned with her. "You are the only creature that lives in this forest."

The dragon looked a bit annoyed. "Yes, darling. But my answer stands. No."


Decided to do flash backs...because he's dead. Or is he? Lol. Live with doubt. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed! I love you all, see you in the graves!💜

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