Chapter 1 ♡

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Andrea's POV
Im Andrea Collins an outcast at our class and I don't really care about that I dont have friends like other students Im quiet and all I do is study study study. That's why im always top 1 in our class and my parents are always proud.
Im happy that I always make them proud about my grades but sometimes I can't help but get jealous at other students they have friends and there happy with their school life.

I've been an outcast since I think grade 1 yeah and now Im 17 years old I'm still an outcast I want to have friends too but it's so hard for me to socialize.

That's why i just keep quiet and study study study.

Oh and yeah Im 17 years old I have a little brother his name is Adrian his 5 years old my parents names are Andrew Collins and Allyza Collins.

Im not that pretty so i just make my grades pretty.

"Andrea!! Andrea!!! "I heard my mom shouting my name so I immediately went down stairs, I saw her and my dad, there were a lot of boxes and I saw them being busy packing our things.

"Mom Dad what's happening?" I asked them

"Were moving out darling" my mother replied

"Yup so help us pack things up" my dad said

"So suddenly why?"I asked

"No reason honey were moving out to a new house close to your grandma's house" my mom replied

"How about school?" I asked

"We'll transfer you to a new school its much bigger and you'll get new friends too...dont you want that honey? Oh and call Adrian lets eat" she said to me

I just nodded and called Adrian my little brother.

I packed my things up and I got flashbacks of my school "Hmm okay new school new life" I said to myself.
I went down stairs and ate,my little brother was eating too and my parents are still busy packing our things.

I promised my self that when I got to my new school I will have friends and I will not be an outcast anymore.

I promised to myself talking as if that will be easy for someone like me but a promise is a promise I will do it I want to start a new high school life I will make my high school life fun and interesting.

"Done!" I heard my little brother said he's done eating and I was done too our mother ordered us to pack our own things and of course she ordered me to help Adrian pack his things.

"Btw when are we moving out?"I asked my mom

"Tomorrow" she replied

"Wait what?" I kinda shouted

"We already talked to your teacher..So yeah" my dad said

"Hmm okay fine" I answered well I have no choice

I got up stairs and walked straight to my room I packed my things and helped Adrian to pack his things too. I heard my phone I saw a group chat it was our group chat my classmates only us no teacher's.

Oh looks like someone's moving out That was from Ella that bitch she always makes fun of me I seriously hate her like seriously .

I saw a lot of chats and they were all making fun of me fuck seriously I'm tired I left the group and I just imagined my life on my new school where my parents transferred me.

The next day

"Andrea!! Andrea wake up" i heard she was screaming and of course that's my mom I opened my eyes and realized that today is the day when we'll move out.

I immediately ran down stairs and saw my mom she was making breakfast and my dad was busy still packing some things I saw my little brother eating.

I sat down to my chair and waited for my mom to finish another pancake.

I heard Adrian
"Yay it's the day!" He screamed gosh this boy is so excited..... My mom gave me the pancakes and I ate them fastly my mom helped Adrian take a shower when he was done I took a shower too.

When I was done I picked a good looking cloth to wear.

"Finally were moving out" I said to myself Im so excited to see my new school too Im so excited to start a new school life.....

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